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Shonte Wright
Thermal Systems Cognizant Engineer ("Cog-E") for
Mars Exploration Rovers mission
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California

In her spare time, Shonte works with JPL's Minority Education Initiatives Office offering science based presentations in underserved communities. Also in support of the office, she participates in numerous other student and community outreach programs at conferences, universities, and community events.

Shonte has been awarded by JPL for her work in initiating the JPL Thermal Tool User Group, and for her supporting role with the Center for Space Mission Architecture and Design. She has been an invited guest speaker/presenter for NASA's Thermal Fluids and Analysis Workshop, for the Cullimore and Ring Technologies Conference, for Caltech student programs, for the NCAT-Mechanical Engineering Department, and countless events in support of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) and the Association of Black Engineers Scientists and Technologists (ABEST). In honor of Shonte's work within her field and her devotion to student outreach, she was selected Phenomenal Woman of the Year in Science and Technology in 2002 by a committee at California State University, Northridge, and she has been featured in several publications.

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