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Daily Updates - May 27, 2005
Spirit Status at end of sol 490-496

Spirit is healthy and power positive. Spirit is doing some remarkable science at "Larry's Outcrop," moving along the edge of this spot that looks stereotypically Mars-like. As Spirit drives from place to place, the rover reaches out with its robotic arm and samples rocks.

Sol-by-sol summaries:
Sols 490 to 493 (May 19 to 22, 2005):
Over the weekend, Spirit traveled to a location informally called "Paros." On Earth, Paros is one of the Cyclades Islands and lies 96 miles southeast from Athens, Greece. While stopped at Paros on Mars, Spirit used the microscopic imager, the alpha particle X-ray spectrometer and the Moessbauer spectrometer to examine surface details.

Sols 494 to 496:
Spirit finished up observing Paros with the microscopic imager, stowed the robotic arm, and moved to a new spot. While making a final approach, Spirit typically takes images with the hazard-identification cameras. Spirit uses these images to determine whether or not it is safe to deploy the robotic arm. Fortunately, this time, not only did Spirit discover that it was safe to deploy the robotic arm, but the camera also captured a lone dust devil far off in the image.

Sol 495-498 (May 24 - May 27, 2005):
With Spirit now secure in a new location, the team's plan is for the rover to take pictures with the microscopic imager, brush rocks with the rock abrasion tool, use the alpha particle X-ray spectrometer, and place the Moessbauer spectrometer on a target to read it for about 46 hours.

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