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Colorado Model Content Standards

The Colorado Model Content Standards for science you can cover using "To MARS with MER" are listed below. We hope you will discover additional standards you can use. These are the ones our Instructional Materials Development team felt most directly related to the activities planned for "To MARS with MER".

Colorado Model Content Standards

Standard 1:
Students understand the processes of scientific investigation and design, conduct, communicate about, and evaluate such investigations.

In everyday life, we find ourselves gathering and evaluating information (data), noting and wondering about patterns and regularities, devising and testing possible explanations for how things work, and discussing ideas with others. These characteristically human activities mirror in many ways how scientists think and work. Scientific investigation (inquiry) often begins with a question or problem and usually ends with further questions to investigate. Such investigations may include long-term field studies and are not limited to direct experimentation in a lab setting. They involve the identification and control of variables. Inquiry in the science classroom helps students develop a useful base of scientific knowledge, communicated in increasingly mathematical and conceptual ways as they progress through school. In addition, scientific inquiry stimulates student interest, motivation, and creativity. Designing and conducting investigations encourages students to interpret, analyze, and evaluate what is known, how we know it, and how scientific questions are answered. The knowledge and skills related to scientific inquiry enable students to understand how science works, and are powerful ways for students to build their understanding of the scientific facts, principles, concepts, and applications that are described in the other science content Standards, particularly Standards two, three, and four. To comprehend the world around them, students need opportunities to pursue questions that are relevant to them and to learn how to conduct scientific investigations. Some scientific inquiries can only be investigated by the use of models since actual events are not repeatable.

Grades K-4
In grades K-4, what students know and are able to do includes

asking questions and stating predictions (hypotheses) that can be addressed through scientific investigation;

selecting and using simple devices to gather data related to an investigation (for example, length, volume, and mass measuring instruments, thermometers, watches, magnifiers, microscopes, calculators, and computers);

using data based on observations to construct a reasonable explanation; and

communicating about investigations and explanations.

Grades 5-8
As students in grades 5-8 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to do includes

identifying and evaluating alternative explanations and procedures;

using examples to demonstrate that scientific ideas are used to explain previous observations and to predict future events (for example, plate tectonics and future earthquake activity);

asking questions and stating hypotheses that lead to different types of scientific investigations (for example, experimentation, collecting specimens, constructing models, researching scientific literature);

creating a written plan for an investigation;

using appropriate tools, technologies, and measurement units to gather and organize data;

interpreting and evaluating data in order to formulate conclusions;

communicating results of their investigations in appropriate ways (for example, written reports, graphic displays, oral presentations);

using metric units in measuring, calculating, and reporting results;

explaining that scientific investigations sometimes result in unexpected findings that lead to new questions and more investigations; and

giving examples of how collaboration can be useful in solving scientific problems and sharing findings.

Grades 9-12
As students in grades 9-12 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to do includes

asking questions and stating hypotheses, using prior scientific knowledge to help guide their development;

creating and defending a written plan of action for a scientific investigation;

selecting and using appropriate technologies to gather, process, and analyze data and to report information related to an investigation;

identifying major sources of error or uncertainty within an investigation (for example, particular measuring devices and experimental procedures);

constructing and revising scientific explanations and models, using evidence, logic, and experiments that include identifying and controlling variables;

communicating and evaluating scientific thinking that leads to particular conclusions;

recognizing and analyzing alternative explanations and models; and

explaining the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific hypothesis.

For students continuing their science education beyond the Standards, what they know and are able to do may include

designing and completing an advanced scientific investigation-either individually or as part of a student team-that extends over several days or weeks; and

continuing to practice and apply inquiry skills as they extend their understanding of science content through further study.

Standard 2:
Physical Science: Students know and understand common properties, forms, and changes in matter and energy. (Focus: Physics and Chemistry)

2.3 Students understand that interactions can produce changes in a system, although the total quantities of matter and energy remain unchanged.

Rationale Interactions between matter and energy account for changes observed in everyday events. Understanding how matter and energy interact extends students' knowledge of the physical world and allows them to monitor and explain a wide variety of changes and to predict future physical and chemical changes. Students gain both a practical and conceptual understanding of the laws of conservation of matter and energy.

Grades K-4
In grades K-4, what students know and are able to do includes

observing and describing parts of system (for example, water in a closed jar, water in an open jar, a plant terrarium);

predicting what changes and what remains unchanged when matter experiences an external influence (for example, a push or pull, addition or removal of heat, division of clay into pieces, melting an ice cube, changing a ball of clay to a flattened shape).

Grades 5-8
As students in grades 5-8 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to do includes

identifying and classifying factors causing change within a system (for example, force, light, heat);

describing, measuring (for example, time, distance, mass, force) and calculating quantities that characterize moving objects and their interactions within a system (for example, force, velocity, acceleration, potential energy, kinetic energy).

Standard 4:
Earth and Space Science: Students know and understand the processes and interactions of Earth's systems and the structure and dynamics of Earth and other objects in space. (Focus: Geology, Meteorology, Astronomy, Oceanography)

4.1 Students know and understand the composition of Earth, its history, and the natural processes that shape it.

By studying Earth, its composition, history, and the processes that shape it, students gain a better understanding of the planet on which they live. Landforms, resources, and natural events such as earthquakes, flooding, and volcanic eruptions affect the location of population centers. Life throughout geologic time has been, and continues to be, affected by changes that occur at a varying rate on Earth's surface. Knowledge of the structure and composition of the Earth provides a basis for making informed decisions. Understanding geologic events, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, allows students to make responsible choices, evaluate the consequences, and predict the impact of future occurrences.

Grades 5-8
As students in grades 5-8 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to do includes

explaining how minerals, rocks, and soils form;

explaining how fossils are formed and used as evidence to indicate that life has changed through time;

4.3 Students know major sources of water, its uses, importance, and cyclic patterns of movement through the environment.

Rationale The world's water is vital to life. Both subtle and wholesale changes in Earth's water can have profound effects on human existence. In order to preserve both the quality and quantity of water for daily living, wise management of water resources is crucial. As the population and economies of the world grow, water becomes an even more important political and economic issue. Knowing the properties of water, its influences on weather, and its availability is necessary for understanding its importance to life. Knowledge of Earth's oceans is important for an understanding of how they affect weather, climate, and life. It is important to understand the circulation of water because the amount of water on Earth is finite.

Grades K-4
In grades K-4, what students know and are able to do includes

identifying major sources of water (for example, oceans, glaciers, rivers, groundwater, atmosphere);

Grades 9-12
As students in grades 9-12 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to do includes

identifying and explaining factors that influence the quality of water needed to sustain life;

4.4 Students know the structure of the solar system, composition and interactions of objects in the universe, and how space is explored. Rationale
Observing the sky has always fascinated human cultures and civilizations. These observations resulted in the development of ways to measure time and predict natural phenomena. All bodies in space, including Earth, are influenced by forces acting throughout the solar system and the universe. Studying the universe enhances our understanding of Earth's origins, its place in the universe, and its future. Much of what we know about Earth's atmosphere and our solar system is due to space exploration. Modern society benefits from many of the technological advances developed for space exploration, including robotics, telecommunications, satellites, and miniaturized components used in computers and other electronic devices. Knowledge of the universe and past space exploration enables people to make informed decisions about the future of space exploration.

Grades K-4
In grades K-4, what students know and are able to do includes

describing what can be readily observed by the unaided eye in the daytime and nighttime sky (for example, the Sun, Moon, planets, stars, constellations);

identifying basic components of the solar system (for example, Sun, planets, moons); and

describing a space exploration event such as a manned or unmanned space mission.

Grades 5-8
As students in grades 5-8 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to do includes

describing the basic components, composition, size, and theories of origin of the solar system;

comparing Earth to other planets (for example, size, composition, relative distance from the Sun); and

identifying technology needed to explore space (for example, telescopes, spectroscopes, spacecraft, life support systems).

Grades 9-12
As students in grades 9-12 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to do includes

describing the effect of gravitation on the motions observed in the solar system and beyond;

identifying and describing the everyday impact of recent space technology (for example, more sophisticated computers, remote sensing, medical imaging).

For students continuing their science education beyond the Standards, what they know and are able to do may include

describing evidence that supports past and current scientific theories of the origin of the universe.

Standard 5:
Students know and understand interrelationships among science, technology, and human activity and how they can affect the world.

Our world is shaped in many ways by scientific advances, technology (involving applications of science), and human activity. Science and technology provide useful connections between the natural world and the designed world. Since the invention of stone tools, technological applications have provided, and will continue to provide, humans the ability to modify their environment. Because scientific advances and technology affect all of Earth's living and non- living systems, it is vital that students understand the interrelationships of science, technology, and human activity.

Grades K-4
In grades K-4, what students know and are able to do includes

recognizing the diversity of resources provided by the Earth and Sun (for example, soil, fuels, minerals, medicines, food);

inventing a device that addresses an everyday problem (or task), and communicating the problem (or task), design, and solution;

identifying careers that use science and technology.

Grades 5-8
As students in grades 5-8 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to do includes

describing advantages and disadvantages that might accompany the introduction of a new technology (for example, mountain bikes, cellular telephones, pagers);

describing how the use of technology can help solve an individual or community problem (for example, using catalytic converters on automobiles to help reduce air pollution); and

describing how people use science and technology in their professions.

Grades 9-12
As students in grades 9-12 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to do includes

analyzing benefits, limitations, costs, and consequences involved in using technology or resources (for example, X-rays, agricultural chemicals, natural gas reserves);

analyzing how the introduction of a new technology has affected or could affect human activity (for example, invention of the telescope, applications of modern telecommunications);

demonstrating the interrelationships between science and technology (for example, building a bridge, designing a better running shoe); and

explaining the use of technology in an occupation.

For students continuing their science education beyond the Standards, what they know and are able to do may include

applying their knowledge and understanding of chemical and physical interactions to explain present and anticipated technologies (for example, lasers, ultrasound, superconducting materials, photocopy machines); and

exploring the scientific and technological aspects of contemporary problems (for example, issues related to nutrition, air quality, natural resources).

Standard 6:
Students understand that science involves a particular way of knowing and understand common connections among scientific disciplines.

Human societies have long asked questions about, observed and collected data on, and offered explanations for natural phenomena. Scientific evidence and knowledge are distinguished from other ways of knowing and other bodies of knowledge in terms of the criteria that must be met. These criteria include the use of empirical Standards and rules of evidence, a logical structure, rational thought, questioning, and openness to criticism. Scientific disciplines differ from one another in what is studied, techniques used, and outcomes sought. They share a common purpose-to explain and predict events and phenomena-and offer strategies to solve defined problems. Scientific knowledge is dynamic. Although some scientific theories have withstood the test of time and are still used, other knowledge claims have been altered by new scientific evidence. Change, continuity, and stability are characteristic features of science. Although acquiring scientific knowledge of laws, concepts, and theories is central to learning science, it does not necessarily lead to an understanding of how science itself works. Students need to understand that science works by weaving different aspects of science together so that they reinforce one another. To bring coherence to seemingly diverse sets of ideas or facts involving natural phenomena, scientific themes such as change, systems, models, and organization are highly useful. Themes can encompass and connect large quantities of basic data and evidence in science and can be used to integrate science with other disciplines.

Grades K-4
In grades K-4, what students know and are able to do includes

recognizing that when a science experiment is repeated with the same conditions, the experiment generally works the same way;

comparing knowledge gained from direct experience to knowledge gained indirectly (for example, collecting data about student heights in their class and comparing the results to similar data collected in another class or school);

identifying observable patterns and changes in their lives and predicting future events based on those patterns (for example, seasonal weather patterns);

describing and comparing the components and interrelationships of a simple system (for example, tracing the continuous flow of water through an aquarium, filter, and pump); and

Grades 5-8
As students in grades 5-8 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to do includes

explaining why a controlled experiment must have comparable results when repeated;

giving examples of how scientific knowledge changes as new knowledge is acquired and previous ideas are modified (for example, through space exploration);

describing contributions to the advancement of science made by people in different cultures and at different times in history;

identifying, comparing, and predicting variables and conditions related to change (for example, climate, population, motion);

using a model to predict change (for example, computer simulation, video sequence, stream table).

Grades 9-12
As students in grades 9-12 extend their knowledge, what they know and are able to do includes

evaluating print and visual media for scientific evidence, bias, or opinion;

explaining that the scientific way of knowing uses a critique and consensus process (for example, peer review, openness to criticism, logical arguments, skepticism);

identifying and predicting cause-effect relationships within a system (for example, the effect of temperature on gas volume, effect of carbon dioxide level on the greenhouse effect, effects of changing nutrients at the base of a food pyramid);

identifying and testing a model to analyze systems involving change and constancy (for example, a mathematical expression for gas behavior; constructing a closed ecosystem such as an aquarium);

refining a hypothesis based on an accumulation of data over time (for example, Alvarez's theory on dinosaur extinction ).

For students continuing their science education beyond the Standards, what they know and are able to do may include

relating small-scale phenomena to large-scale properties (for example, intermolecular forces related to physical properties); and

tracing the development of an invention, theory, or discovery to demonstrate the dynamic nature of science.