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LIVE FROM MARS 2001: Mars Conference

Mars Virtual Teacher Training Conference

Virtual Workshop Activities

Electronic Mail:

Remote participants could ask questions via email and receive email updates from the onsite participants.


Remote participants were given an opportunity to use WebChat to:

  • Receive a Transcription of the Proceedings, or
  • Join the Conference Discussion and Ask Questions

The discussion WebChat was displayed on an auditorium panel for the onsite participants to view. During question and answer sessions, questions from the remote participants were verbally presented to the presenters at the podium.


Remote participants could also listen to a radio-quality audio signal from the auditorium. There were two servers established, one at Ames Research Center in California and the other from the auditorium at NASA headquarters in Washington DC.

Images from the Auditorium

Remote participants were able to get a view of the auditorium activities via a process that captured a still image from the live NASA TV signal once every minute.

Graphics for Presentations

Remote participants could also view the presenter's graphics by selecting the appropriate Web page for that session.


The live NASA TV signal was also broadcast on Cu-SeeMe. Reflector sites were available from Ames Research Center in California and from the NASA headquaters auditorium in Washington DC.


The live NASA TV signal was also broadcast on MBONE.


The live NASA TV signal was available to all with the appropriate downlink capability.