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LIVE FROM MARS: Educators Classroom Connection

Frost School
Rose Combs

Joseph Silva of Frost School's Live From Mars Project

My name is Joseph Silva from Frost School. I am in G.A.T.E. I am 9 years old. I am in 3rd grade. My Live From Mars project was to make a shoe factory on Mars.


I did a lot of research for G.A.T.E. I wrote a script about two aliens named Goofy and Brainy. I made a movie. It took us 2 days and a half.

List of what happened:

    First it was the reception on the video-cam,

    Then the desk was in the way,

    Then we added the music,

    Then it started to make static,

    Then we finally made the movie

    We typed a letter to Mr. Kahn.

Pictures to come...