POLAR-PALOOZA, the national tour, features high-energy public presentations entitled "Stories from a Changing Planet," tales of adventure and science told by a charismatic "cast" of characters, using HD video and authentic props - such as a piece of ice core 2,000 years old, or a caribou parka, to bring polar research to life... 3-day visits to each site... special programs for schools... workshops for K-12 educators and museum volunteers... briefings for local news media and business leaders... camp-ins for Girl Scouts and Boys and Girls Clubs... community wide impact with multiple museums in any one site. POLAR-PALOOZA builds on the experience of an earlier P2K project, MARSAPALOOZA, which took the scientists and engineers who built and now operate NASA's long-lived Mars rovers to museums and science centers across America. At all sites, we were surprised by the excitement felt by young and old at meeting "rocket scientists" face to face, and having a chance to interact directly with them. Crowds stayed behind after the presentations ended to touch rover wheels, ask about Mars, touch a Martian meteorite, or get autographs signed. That was our inspiration for POLAR-PALOOZA, a chance to put a human face on polar research. | |||
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