JULY 10, 1970

UBJECT: United States Antarctic Policy and Program

The President has reviewed the memorandum forwarded by the Chairman of the NSC Under Secretaries Committee on May 28, 1970, which contains a statement of objectives in Antarctica and recommendation regarding appropriate program levels and responsibility for management of the program.

Considering United States interests in Antarctica, the President has decided that the Antarctic program should be continued at a level which maintains an active and influential United States presence in Antarctica and which is responsive to United States scientific, economic and political objectives. The President has noted and, subject to normal budget review processes, approved the estimated annual budget level ranging from $29-$34 million.

Noting the request of the Department of Defense regarding budgeting responsibility, the President hereby directs preparation for the orderly and efficient transfer of the program to the National Science Foundation whereby the Foundation shall:

In undertaking the transfer of responsibility, it is understood that an increase in the National Science Foundation budget is not intended to cause a net increase in the total Federal budget since the Foundation will be assuming budget items for logistic support currently carried by the Department of Defense and the Department of Transportation.

Present program responsibilities assigned under Bureau of the Budget Circular A-51 shall remain in effect during the course of the transfer of responsibilities and, subject to consultations, the Fiscal Year 1972 budget shall serve as the target for transfer of budget responsibility to the National Science Foundation. To insure the orderly transfer of program responsibilities, changes in responsibilities for operational management and safety of operations shall be coordinated through the Antarctic Policy Group.

In the course of the transfer of responsibilities, the Department of Defense shall maintain the Fiscal Year 1970 level of Antarctic logistic support. The Department of Defense shall thereafter assure the availability, on a mutually acceptable reimbursement or non-reimbursement basis, of essential logistic support components.

The President has instructed that the Director of the National Science Foundation and the Office of Management and Budget, in coordination with other agencies and offices where necessary, hold appropriate discussions with the principal Members of Congress concerned and submit a progress report no later than June 21, 1971, for his consideration.

Henry A. Kissinger