February 26, 1976

SUBJECT: U.S. Policy for Antarctica

The President has reviewed the memorandum forwarded by the Chairman of the NSC Under Secretaries Committee on November 29, 1975, which deals with funding levels and management arrangements for the U.S. Antarctic Program.

The President reaffirms the importance of maintaining an active and influential United States presence in the Antarctic. Under present budget constraints, the President has decided that the level of U.S. activity should be maintained at least at the present level. This is generally described in the report as Level III.

The President reaffirms NSDM 71, in particular the requirements that the National Science Foundation:

The President notes that the United States national interests in Antarctica go well beyond the normal range of responsibilities of the National Science Foundation and directs that NSF funding for the U.S. Antarctic Program should not be at the expense of other NSF programs. The funds made available to NSF for the Antarctic are not to be utilized for other purposes.

The President agrees that the use of logistic support by the Department of Defense--assisted by the Coast Guard--gives the U.S. an important flexibility and reach to operate in that area. The DOD and DOT are to maintain the capability to provide the logistic support requested by the National Science Foundation, and are to develop in collaboration with the Foundation, the logistic arrangements and cost structure required to ensure effective and responsive program support at minimum cost.

Brent Scowcroft