M a r t y ’ s   J o u r n a l s

Well, we made it and if you’re reading this, then the internet connection works! Our flights were fine and we survived the 5 hour bus ride to Guanacaste Province and the Playa Grande. It’s very dry....they don’t call this “tropical dry forest” for nothing. We did pass through a couple of rain showers though. Saw both white-faced capuchin and howler monkeys right along the highway on the way here...

We’ll be touring Santa Rosa National Park on Sunday where there is lots of wildlife. Then later in the week we’ll be in more montane forest. We’ll keep you informed.

—Marty Stickle.

Marty’s Journals
  April 10, 1998
  April 11, 1998
  April 14, 1998
  April 15, 1998
  April 17, 1998
Student Journals
  Gwen R.
  Martha B.
  Brian D.
  Sarah F.
  Doug W.
  Allison T.
  Becky H.
  Sarah F.
  Tim B.