B r a z i l   N u t   T r e e

A common and widespread Amazon canopy tree than can grow up to 150 feet tall, the Brazil nut tree produces hard, woody, cannon-ball sized fruits which can contain up to 20 hard-shelled nuts.

Brazil nut farmers have wondered why in some years there is a very poor harvest of nuts. This could be due to the fact that Brazil nut flowers depend on certain kinds of pollinators, which may vary in successful pollination from year to year. The tree’s flowers are usually insect-pollinated, mainly by certain species of bees. Brazil nut trees rely largely on agoutis for good seed dispersal.

The Brazil nut tree needs lots of light in order to germinate and grow as a seedling, i.e. it needs forest clearings in order for young plants to survive. In dense mature forests young Brazil nut trees are generally not found, except in clearings.