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Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the developer, PASSPORT TO KNOWLEDGE, and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation.

Wisconsin Model Academic Standards for Science

The Wisconsin Model Academic Standards for Science you can cover using "To MARS with MER" are listed below. We hope you will discover additional standards you can use. These are the ones our Instructional Materials Development team felt most directly related to the activities planned for "To MARS with MER".

Wisconsin Model Academic Standards for Science

Grade K-4


Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will understand that there are unifying themes: systems, order, organization, and interactions; evidence, models, and explanations; constancy, change, and measurement; evolution, equilibrium, and energy; form and function among scientific disciplines.

By the end of grade four, students will:

A.4.1 When conducting science investigations*, ask and answer questions that will help decide the general areas of science being addressed

A.4.2 When faced with a science-related problem, decide what evidence*, models*, or explanations* previously studied can be used to better understand* what is happening now

A.4.3 When investigating* a science-related problem, decide what data can be collected to determine the most useful explanations*

A.4.4 When studying science-related problems, decide which of the science themes* are important

A.4.5 When studying a science-related problem, decide what changes* over time are occurring or have occurred


Content Standard

Students in Wisconsin will understand that science is ongoing and inventive, and that scientific understandings have changed over time as new evidence is found.

By the end of grade four, students will:

B.4.1 Use encyclopedias, source books, texts, computers, teachers, parents, other adults, journals, popular press, and various other sources, to help answer science-related questions and plan investigations

B.4.2 Acquire information about people who have contributed to the development of major ideas in the sciences and learn about the cultures in which these people lived and worked

B.4.3 Show* how the major developments of scientific knowledge in the earth and space, life and environmental, and physical sciences have changed over time


Content Standard

Students in Wisconsin will investigate questions using scientific methods and tools, revise their personal understanding to accommodate knowledge, and communicate these understandings to others.

By the end of grade four, students will:

C.4.1 Use the vocabulary of the unifying themes* to ask questions about objects, organisms, and events being studied

C.4.2 Use the science content being learned to ask questions, plan investigations*, make observations*, make predictions*, and offer explanations*

C.4.3 Select multiple sources of information to help answer questions selected for classroom investigations*

C.4.4 Use simple science equipment safely and effectively, including rulers, balances, graduated cylinders, hand lenses, thermometers, and computers, to collect data relevant to questions and investigations*

C.4.5 Use data they have collected to develop explanations* and answer questions generated by investigations*

C.4.6 Communicate the results of their investigations* in ways their audiences will understand by using charts, graphs, drawings, written descriptions, and various other means, to display their answers

C.4.7 Support their conclusions with logical arguments

C.4.8 Ask additional questions that might help focus or further an investigation*


Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate an understanding of the physical and chemical properties of matter, the forms and properties of energy, and the ways in which matter and energy interact.

By the end of grade four, students will:


D.4.6 Observe* and describe* physical events in objects at rest or in motion

D.4.7 Observe* and describe* physical events involving objects and develop record-keeping systems to follow these events by measuring and describing changes in their properties, including

position relative to another object,

motion over time, and position due to forces


Content Standard

Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate an understanding of the structure and systems of earth and other bodies in the universe and of their interactions.

By the end of grade four, students will:


E.4.4 Identify* celestial objects (stars, sun, moon, planets) in the sky, noting changes in patterns of those objects over time


Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between science and technology and the ways in which that relationship influences human activities.

By the end of grade four, students will:

G.4.1 Identify* the technology used by someone employed in a job or position in Wisconsin and explain* how the technology helps

G.4.2 Discover* what changes in technology have occurred in a career chosen by a parent, grandparent, or an adult friend over a long period of time

G.4.3 Determine what science discoveries have led to changes in technologies that are being used in the workplace by someone employed locally


Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will use scientific information and skills to make decisions about themselves, Wisconsin, and the world in which they live.

By the end of grade four, students will:

H.4.1 Describe* how science and technology have helped, and in some cases hindered, progress in providing better food, more rapid information, quicker and safer transportation, and more effective health care

H.4.4 Develop* a list of issues that citizens must make decisions about and describe* a strategy for becoming informed about the science behind these issues

Grade 5-8


Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will understand that there are unifying themes: systems, order, organization, and interactions; evidence, models, and explanations; constancy, change, and measurement; evolution, equilibrium, and energy; form and function among scientific disciplines.

By the end of grade eight, students will:

A.8.1 Develop their understanding of the science themes* by using the themes to frame questions about science-related issues and problems

A.8.2 Describe* limitations of science systems* and give reasons why specific science themes* are included in or excluded from those systems

A.8.3 Defend explanations* and models* by collecting and organizing evidence* that supports them and critique explanations and models by collecting and organizing evidence that conflicts with them

A.8.4 Collect evidence* to show* that models* developed as explanations* for events were (and are) based on the evidence available to scientists at the time

A.8.5 Show* how models* and explanations*, based on systems*, were changed as new evidence* accumulated (the effects of constancy*, evolution*, change*, and measurement* should all be part of these explanations)

A.8.6 Use models* and explanations* to predict* actions and events in the natural world

A.8.7 Design real or thought investigations* to test the usefulness and limitations of a model*

A.8.8. Use the themes* of evolution*, equilibrium*, and energy* to predict* future events or changes* in the natural world


Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will understand that science is ongoing and inventive, and that scientific understandings have changed over time as new evidence is found.

By the end of grade eight, students will:

B.8.1 Describe* how scientific knowledge and concepts have changed over time in the earth and space, life and environmental, and physical sciences

B.8.2 Identify* and describe* major changes that have occurred over in conceptual models* and explanations* in the earth and space, life and environmental, and physical sciences and identify* the people, cultures, and conditions that led to these developments

B.8.3 Explain* how the general rules of science apply to the development and use of evidence* in science investigations, model*-making, and applications*

B.8.4 Describe* types of reasoning and evidence* used outside of science to draw conclusions about the natural world

B.8.5 Explain* ways in which science knowledge is shared, checked, and extended, and show* how these processes change over time

B.8.6 Explain* the ways in which scientific knowledge is useful and also limited when applied to social issues


Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will investigate questions using scientific methods and tools, revise their personal understanding to accommodate knowledge, and communicate these understandings to others.

By the end of grade eight, students will:

C.8.1 Identify* questions they can investigate* using resources and equipment they have available

C.8.2 Identify* data and locate sources of information including their own records to answer the questions being investigated

C.8.3 Design and safely conduct investigations* that provide reliable quantitative or qualitative data, as appropriate, to answer their questions

C.8.4 Use inferences* to help decide possible results of their investigations, use observations to check their inferences

C.8.5 Use accepted scientific knowledge, models*, and theories* to explain* their results and to raise further questions about their investigations*

C.8.6 State what they have learned from investigations*, relating their inferences* to scientific knowledge and to data they have collected

C.8.7 Explain* their data and conclusions in ways that allow an audience to understand the questions they selected for investigation* and the answers they have developed

C.8.8 Use computer software and other technologies to organize, process, and present their data

C.8.9 Evaluate*, explain*, and defend the validity of questions, hypotheses, and conclusions to their investigations*

C.8.10 Discuss the importance of their results and implications of their work with peers, teachers, and other adults

C.8.11 Raise further questions which still need to be answered


Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate an understanding of the physical and chemical properties of matter, the forms and properties of energy, and the ways in which matter and energy interact.

By the end of grade eight, students will:


D.8.5 While conducting investigations*, explain* the motion of objects by describing* the forces acting on them

D.8.6 While conducting investigations*, explain* the motion of objects using concepts of speed, velocity, acceleration, friction, momentum, and changes over time, among others, and apply* these concepts and explanations* to real-life situations outside the classroom


Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate an understanding of the structure and systems of earth and other bodies in the universe and of their interactions.

By the end of grade eight, students will:


E.8.7 Describe* the general structure of the solar system, galaxies, and the universe, explaining the nature of the evidence* used to develop current models* of the universe

E.8.8 Using past and current models* of the structure of the solar system, explain* the daily, monthly, yearly, and long-term cycles of the earth, citing evidence* gained from personal observation* as well as evidence used by scientists


Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between science and technology and the ways in which that relationship influences human activities.

By the end of grade eight, students will:

G.8.1 Identify* and investigate* the skills people need for a career in science or technology and identify the academic courses that a person pursuing such a career would need

G.8.2 Explain* how current scientific and technological discoveries have an influence on the work people do and how some of these discoveries also lead to new careers

G.8.3 Illustrate* the impact that science and technology have had, both good and bad, on careers, systems, society, environment, and quality of life

G.8.6 Use current texts, encyclopedias, source books, computers, experts, the popular press, or other relevant sources to identify* examples of how scientific discoveries have resulted in new technology

G.8.7 Show* evidence* of how science and technology are interdependent, using some examples drawn from personally conducted investigations*


Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will use scientific information and skills to make decisions about themselves, Wisconsin, and the world in which they live.

By the end of grade eight, students will:

H.8.1 Evaluate* the scientific evidence* used in various media (for example, television, radio, Internet, popular press, and scientific journals) to address a social issue, using criteria of accuracy, logic, bias, relevance of data, and credibility of sources

H.8.2 Present a scientific solution to a problem involving the earth and space, life and environmental, or physical sciences and participate in a consensus-building discussion to arrive at a group decision

Grade 9-12


Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will understand that there are unifying themes: systems, order, organization, and interactions; evidence, models, and explanations; constancy, change, and measurement; evolution, equilibrium, and energy; form and function among scientific disciplines.

By the end of grade twelve, students will:

A.12.1 Apply* the underlying themes* of science to develop defensible visions of the future

A.12.2 Show* how conflicting assumptions about science themes* lead to different opinions and decisions about evolution*, health, population, longevity, education, and use of resources, and show* how these opinions and decisions have diverse effects on an individual, a community, and a country, both now and in the future

A.12.3 Give examples that show* how partial systems*, models*, and explanations* are used to give quick and reasonable solutions that are accurate enough for basic needs

A.12.4 Construct* arguments that show* how conflicting models* and explanations* of events can start with similar evidence*

A.12.5 Show* how the ideas and themes* of science can be used to make real-life decisions about careers, work places, life-styles, and use of resources

A.12.6 Identify* and, using evidence* learned or discovered, replace inaccurate personal models* and explanations* of science-related events

A.12.7 Re-examine the evidence* and reasoning that led to conclusions drawn from investigations*, using the science themes*


Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will understand that science is ongoing and inventive, and that scientific understandings have changed over time as new evidence is found.

By the end of grade twelve, students will:

B.12.1 Show* how cultures and individuals have contributed to the development of major ideas in the earth and space, life and environmental, and physical sciences

B.12.2 Identify* the cultural conditions that are usually present during great periods of discovery, scientific development, and invention

B.12.3 Relate* the major themes* of science to human progress in understanding science and the world

B.12.4 Show* how basic research and applied research contribute to new discoveries, inventions, and applications

B.12.5 Explain* how science is based on assumptions about the natural world and themes* that describe the natural world


Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will investigate questions using scientific methods and tools, revise their personal understanding to accommodate knowledge, and communicate these understandings to others.

By the end of grade twelve, students will:

C.12.1 When studying science content, ask questions suggested by current social issues, scientific literature, and observations* of phenomena, build hypotheses that might answer some of these questions, design possible investigations*, and describe results that might emerge from such investigations

C.12.2 Identify* issues from an area of science study, write questions that could be investigated*, review previous research on these questions, and design and conduct responsible and safe investigations to help answer the questions

C.12.3 Evaluate* the data collected during an investigation*, critique the data-collection procedures and results, and suggest ways to make any needed improvements

C.12.4 During investigations*, choose the best data-collection procedures and materials available, use them competently, and calculate the degree of precision of the resulting data

C.12.5 Use the explanations* and models* found in the earth and space, life and environmental, and physical sciences to develop likely explanations* for the results of their investigations*

C.12.6 Present the results of investigations* to groups concerned with the issues, explaining* the meaning and implications of the results, and answering questions in terms the audience can understand

C.12.7 Evaluate* articles and reports in the popular press, in scientific journals, on television, and on the Internet, using criteria related to accuracy, degree of error, sampling, treatment of data, and other standards of experimental design


Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate an understanding of the physical and chemical properties of matter, the forms and properties of energy, and the ways in which matter and energy interact.

By the end of grade twelve, students will:


D.12.7 Qualitatively and quantitatively analyze* changes in the motion of objects and the forces that act on them and represent analytical data both algebraically and graphically

D.12.8 Understand* the forces of gravitation, the electromagnetic force, intermolecular force, and explain* their impact on the universal system


Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between science and technology and the ways in which that relationship influences human activities.

By the end of grade twelve, students will:

G.12.1 Identify* personal interests in science and technology, implications that these interests might have for future education, and decisions to be considered

G.12.2 Design, build, evaluate, and revise models* and explanations related to the earth and space, life and environmental, and physical sciences

G.12.3 Analyze* the costs, benefits, or problems resulting from a scientific or technological innovation, including implications for the individual and the community

G.12.4 Show* how a major scientific or technological change has had an impact on work, leisure, or the home

G.12.5 Choose a specific problem in our society, identify* alternative scientific or technological solutions to that problem and argue it merits


Content Standard
Students in Wisconsin will use scientific information and skills to make decisions about themselves, Wisconsin, and the world in which they live.

By the end of grade twelve, students will:

H.12.3 Show* how policy decisions in science depend on social values, ethics, beliefs, and time-frames as well as considerations of science and technology

H.12.4 Advocate a solution or combination of solutions to a problem in science or technology

H.12.6 Evaluate* data and sources of information when using scientific information to make decisions

H.12.7 When making decisions, construct a plan that includes the use of current scientific knowledge and scientific reasoning