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Alabama Course of Study

The Alabama Course of Study for science you can cover using "To MARS with MER" are listed below. We hope you will discover additional standards you can use. These are the ones our Instructional Materials Development team felt most directly related to the activities planned for "To MARS with MER".

Alabama Course of Study

Grades 3
Process and Application
Students will:
1. Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigations.

2. Use appropriate tools and technology resources to gather, analyze, and interpret data.

Examples: calculators, microscopes, cameras, sound recorders, clocks, computers, thermometers, hand lenses, meter sticks, rulers, balances, maps, star charts

3. Demonstrate the ability to perform safe and appropriate manipulation of materials, living organisms, scientific equipment, and technology.

4. Use appropriate skills to design and conduct a scientific investigation.
 • Acquiring, processing, recording, and interpreting data
 • Identifying dependent and independent variables (cause and effect) and their relationships
 • Sorting and classifying
 • Experimenting
 • Analyzing
 • Developing hypotheses
 • Formulating models, tables, charts, and graphs
 • Observing
 • Measuring
 • Defining operationally
 • Communicating
 • Predicting
 • Collaborating
 • Writing lab reports/scientific journals

5. Think critically and logically to make inferences and describe relationships between evidence and explanations.

Example: relating condensation in a terrarium to stages of the water cycle

6. Investigate alternative explanations of experimental results.

7. Use available technology to communicate scientific procedures and to defend explanations.

8. Use mathematics in scientific inquiry.

9. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among science, technology, and society past and present.
 • Explaining how scientists use technology in scientific research
 • Recognizing the importance of science and technology to many careers
 • Demonstrating an understanding of the impact of society on human health and environmental conditions
 • Recognizing contributions of science to development of technology and changes in society

Physical Science
Forces and Motions

14. Demonstrate that change in motion is a result of applying unequal forces.
 • Speed
 • Direction

Examples: tug-of-war, seesaw

15. Recognize that forces can act from a distance.

Examples: ball falling to the Earth, magnet picking up nails, comb attracting bits of paper

16. Recognize that gravity is a force that pulls objects toward the Earth's center.

Earth and Space Science
Ordered Universe

42. Recognize that telescopes are used to study distant objects.

43. Recognize that the Earth's solar system is a star-centered system.

Grade 4
Process and Application

Students will:
1. Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigations.

2. Use appropriate tools and technology resources to gather, analyze, and interpret data.

Examples: calculators, microscopes, cameras, sound recorders, computers, hand lenses, rulers, thermometers, meter sticks, timing devices, balances, compasses, maps

3. Demonstrate the ability to perform safe and appropriate manipulation of materials, living organisms, scientific equipment, and technology.

4. Use appropriate skills to design and conduct a scientific investigation.
 • Acquiring, processing, recording, and interpreting data
 • Identifying dependent and independent variables (cause and effect) and their relationships
 • Sorting and classifying
 • Experimenting
 • Analyzing
 • Developing hypotheses
 • Formulating models, tables, charts, and graphs
 • Observing
 • Measuring
 • Defining operationally
 • Communicating
 • Predicting
 • Collaborating
 • Writing lab reports/scientific journals

5. Think critically and logically to make inferences and describe relationships between evidence and explanations.

Example: relating sinking and floating to weight and size

6. Investigate alternative explanations of experimental results.

7. Use available technology to communicate scientific procedures and to defend explanations.

8. Apply mathematical knowledge and skills to scientific investigations.
 • Computation
 • Probability (most/least likely outcomes)
 • Graphing (bar, line, circle, pictograph)
 • Fractions and decimals
 • Arithmetic mean
 • Measurement (metric)

9. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among science, technology, and society past and present.
 • Explaining how scientists use technology in scientific research
 • Recognizing the importance of science and technology to many careers
 • Demonstrating an understanding of the impact of society on human health and environmental conditions
 • Identifying contributions of Alabama scientists

Forces and Motions

13. Recognize that distance affects the strength of force between objects.

Example: the closer a magnet gets to iron filings, the quicker the iron filings are attracted to the magnet

14. Explain how force affects speed and direction.

Examples: a push on a moving skater makes the skater go faster, a moving car hit from the side changes direction, friction slows an object

Earth and Space Science
Earth in Space

35. Describe the basic components of the solar system.

Examples: planets, moons, asteroids, comets, sun, meteors

36. Compare the relative scale of the Earth to other components of the solar system.
 • Planets
 • Moons
 • Sun

37. Describe the apparent movement of objects across the sky.

Examples: stationary sun appearing to rise and set, movement of the constellations in relation to the Earth

38. Identify technological advances and other benefits that result from space exploration.

Examples: laser, pacemaker, dehydrated food, flame-retardant clothing, global positioning system (GPS)

Ordered Universe

40. Compare stars, planets, and moons.
 • Appearance
 • Movement
 • Size
 • Distance
 • Composition

Grade 5
Process and Application

Students will:
1. Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigations.

2. Use appropriate tools and technology resources to gather, analyze, and interpret data.

Examples: calculators, microscopes, cameras, sound recorders, computers, hand lenses, rulers, temperature probes, balances, meter sticks, timing devices, compasses, collecting nets, maps

3. Demonstrate the ability to perform safe and appropriate manipulation of materials, living organisms, scientific equipment, and technology.

4. Use appropriate skills to design and conduct a scientific investigation.
 • Acquiring, processing, recording, and interpreting data
 • Identifying dependent and independent variables (cause and effect) and their relationships
 • Sorting and classifying
 • Experimenting
 • Analyzing
 • Developing hypotheses
 • Formulating models, tables, charts, and graphs
 • Observing
 • Measuring
 • Defining operationally
 • Communicating
 • Predicting
 • Collaborating
 • Writing lab reports/scientific journals

5. Think critically and logically to make inferences and describe relationships between evidence and explanations.

Example: relating length of string to frequency of pendulum swings

6. Investigate alternative explanations of experimental results.

7. Use available technology to communicate scientific procedures and to defend explanations.

8. Apply mathematical knowledge and skills to scientific investigations.
 • Computation
 • Probability
 • Graphing (bar, line, circle, pictograph)
 • Variables
 • Fractions and decimals
 • Arithmetic mean, mode, median, range
 • Measurement (metric)

9. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among science, technology, and society past and present.
 • Explaining how scientists use technology in scientific research
 • Recognizing the importance of science and technology to many careers
 • Demonstrating an understanding of the impact of society on human health and environmental conditions
 • Recognizing contributions of science to development and design of technology

Physical Science
Forces and Motions

11. Recognize that gravity is a force that pulls every mass toward every other center of mass in the universe.

Examples: objects falling when released, objects rolling down ramps, objects orbiting planets and the sun

Earth Science
Earth in Space

32. Identify technology used to update knowledge about the Earth/solar system.

Examples: orbiting spacecraft, aircraft, weather balloons, remote sensing systems

Ordered Universe

34. Describe how instruments are used to observe the universe.

Examples: telescopes (Hubble, radio, light, x-ray); space probes

Grade 6
Process and Application

Students will:
1. Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigations.

2. Design experiments and use appropriate tools and technology to gather, analyze, and interpret data.

Examples: thermometers, microscopes, balances, computers, electronic probeware

3. Demonstrate the ability to perform safe and appropriate manipulation of materials, scientific equipment, and technology.

4. Use proper procedures in the handling and care of living organisms and specimens derived from living things.

5. Use appropriate skills to design and conduct a scientific investigation.
 • Acquiring, processing, and interpreting data
 • Identifying dependent and independent variables and their relationships
 • Identifying cause and effect
 • Sorting and classifying
 • Controlling and manipulating variables
 • Designing and analyzing investigations
 • Developing hypotheses
 • Formulating models, tables, charts, and graphs
 • Keeping accurate records
 • Observing
 • Measuring

6. Express measurements in appropriate Systeme International (SI) units.

7. Use scientific evidence to develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models.

8. Explain relationships between evidence and explanations.

9. Evaluate explanations and scientific theories of natural phenomena.

10. Communicate orally and in writing scientific procedures and explanations.

Examples: laboratory reports, science projects, PowerPoint presentations, science journals

11. Use appropriate mathematics in all aspects of scientific inquiry.

Examples: graphs, ratio and proportions, estimation, fractions, percents

12. Explain the use of technology in scientific research.

13. Explain the importance of science and technology to many careers.

14. Exhibit legal and ethical behaviors necessary for responsible scientific investigations.

Examples: avoiding plagiarism; altering data, hypotheses, or results; proper care of animals

15. Demonstrate the use of computer skills in scientific investigations.

Examples: electronic reference sources; data management and analysis; preparation, presentation, and communication of results

16. Explain how scientific discoveries have been influenced by historical events and cultures, including technological advances.

Physical Science
Forces and Motions

19. Describe the relationship of magnitude of force to distance between two objects.

Earth and Space Science
Dynamic Earth

39. Describe technology that monitors the Earth and outer space.

Examples: weather satellites used to monitor storms and other weather systems, radio telescopes

Earth in Space

43. Compare the biological and geological features of the Earth and other bodies in the solar system.

Grade 7
Process and Application

Students will:

1. Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigations.

2. Design experiments and use appropriate tools and technology to gather, analyze, and interpret data.

Examples: thermometers, microscopes, balances, computers, electronic probeware

3. Demonstrate the ability to perform safe and appropriate manipulation of materials, scientific equipment, and technology.

4. Use proper procedures in the handling and care of living organisms and specimens derived from living things.

5. Use appropriate skills to design and conduct a scientific investigation.
 • Acquiring, processing, and interpreting data
 • Identifying dependent and independent variables and their relationships
 • Identifying cause and effect
 • Sorting and classifying
 • Controlling and manipulating variables
 • Designing and analyzing investigations
 • Developing hypotheses
 • Formulating models, tables, charts, and graphs
 • Keeping accurate records
 • Observing
 • Measuring

6. Express measurements in appropriate Systeme International (SI) units.

7. Use scientific evidence to develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models.

8. Explain relationships between evidence and explanations.

9. Evaluate explanations and scientific theories of natural phenomena.

10. Communicate orally and in writing scientific procedures and explanations.

Examples: laboratory reports, science projects, PowerPoint presentations, science journals

11. Use appropriate mathematics in all aspects of scientific inquiry.

12. Explain the use of technology in scientific research.

13. Explain the importance of science and technology to many careers.

14. Exhibit legal and ethical behaviors necessary for responsible scientific investigations.

Examples: avoiding plagiarism; altering data, hypotheses, or results; caring properly for animals

15. Demonstrate the use of computer skills in scientific investigations.

Examples: electronic reference sources; data management and analysis; preparation, presentation, and communication of results

16. Explain how scientific discoveries have been influenced by historical events and cultures, including technological advances.

Grade 8
Process and Application

Students will:

1. Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigations.

2. Design experiments and use appropriate tools and technology to gather, analyze, and interpret data.

Examples: thermometers, microscopes, balances, computers, electronic probeware

3. Demonstrate the ability to perform safe and appropriate manipulation of materials, scientific equipment, and technology.

4. Use proper procedures in the handling and care of living organisms and specimens derived from living things.

5. Use appropriate skills to design and conduct a scientific investigation.
 • Acquiring, processing, and interpreting data
 • Identifying dependent and independent variables and their relationships
 • Identifying cause and effect
 • Sorting and classifying
 • Controlling and manipulating variables
 • Designing and analyzing investigations
 • Developing hypotheses
 • Formulating models, tables, charts, and graphs
 • Keeping accurate records
 • Observing
 • Measuring

6. Express measurements in appropriate Systeme International (SI) units.

7. Use scientific evidence to develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models.

8. Explain relationships between evidence and explanations.

9. Evaluate how observation, experimentation, and data analysis lead to the development of scientific theories.

10. Communicate orally and in writing scientific procedures and explanations.

Examples: laboratory reports, science projects, PowerPoint presentations, science journals

11. Use appropriate mathematics in all aspects of scientific inquiry.

12. Explain the use of technology in scientific research.

13. Explain the importance of science and technology to many careers.

14. Exhibit legal and ethical behaviors necessary for responsible scientific investigations.

Examples: avoiding plagiarism; altering data, hypotheses, or results; caring properly for animals

15. Demonstrate the use of computer skills in scientific investigations.

Examples: electronic reference sources; data management and analysis; preparation, presentation, and communication of results

16. Explain how scientific discoveries have been influenced by historical events and cultures, including technological advances.

Physical Science
Forces and Motions

21. Apply Newton's laws of motion to real-world situations.

Earth and Space Science
Ordered Universe

39. Identify the components of the universe and their relationships.

41. Identify technology used to investigate the universe.

Examples: probes, rockets, telescopes, spectroscopes, computer models

42. Recognize the impact of space exploration on society.

Examples: microwaves, solar panels, fiber optics, satellite communications

Physical Science Core Grades 9-12
Process and Application

Students will:
1. Understand fundamental assumptions about the universe upon which the scientific enterprise is based.
 • Concern with natural phenomena
 • Discoverable and understandable operation of the universe
 • Consistent and predictable operation of the universe

2. Discuss science as a body of knowledge and an investigative process.
 • Unified, open-ended structure of observations set in a testable framework of ideas
 • Common purpose and philosophy among the science disciplines
 • Limited scope and certainty
 • Simple solutions, comprehensive results, clearest and reliable explanations, accurate basis for predictions 3. Conduct scientific investigations systematically.
 • Identifying and framing the question carefully
 • Forming a hypothesis
 • Identifying and managing variables effectively
 • Developing a practical and logical procedure
 • Presenting conclusions based on investigation/previous research

4. Exhibit behaviors appropriate to the scientific enterprise consistently.

Examples: curiosity, creativity, integrity, patience, skepticism, logical reasoning, attention to detail, openness to new ideas

5. Demonstrate correct care and safe use of instruments, equipment, and chemicals.

6. Demonstrate the ability to choose, construct, and/or assemble appropriate equipment for scientific investigations.

7. Apply critical and integrated science-thinking skills.
 • Observing
 • Classifying
 • Measuring with appropriate units and significant figures
 • Inferring
 • Predicting
 • Solving problems
 • Interpreting data
 • Designing experiments
 • Formulating hypotheses
 • Communicating

8. Use mathematical models, simple statistical models, and graphical models to express patterns and relationships determined from sets of scientific data.

Example:calculate mean, median, and mode from sample data

9. Solve for unknown quantities by manipulating variables simultaneously.

10. Use written and oral communication skills to present and explain scientific phenomena and concepts individually or in collaborative groups using technical and non-technical language.

Examples: laboratory reports, journal entries, computer-based slide show presentations, daily log reports, student presentations

11. Choose appropriate technology to retrieve relevant information from the Internet such as electronic encyclopedias, indices, and databases.

12. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of widespread use of and reliance on technology.

13. Practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software such as following copyright laws.

14. Evaluate technology-based options for lifelong learning.

Examples: Internet usage, online/distance learning

15. Identify the effects of technology on daily life.

Examples: cellular phones, fiber optics, microwaves, lasers

16. Collect data and construct and analyze graphs, tables, and charts using tools such as computer-based or calculator-based probeware. Forces and Motion
28. Identify the basic natural forces.  • Gravitational  • Electromagnetic

29. Apply quantitative relationships and associated graphical representations among position, displacement, distance, time, speed, velocity, and acceleration.

30. Add parallel vector quantities (in the same or opposite directions) to determine a resultant.

Example: effect of tailwind/headwind on an airplane

31. Describe relationships between force and motion in Newton's laws.
 • Inertia
 • Acceleration
 • Action/reaction

Astronomy Elective Core
Process and Application

Students will:

1. Understand fundamental assumptions about the universe upon which the scientific enterprise is based.
 • Concern with natural phenomena
 • Discoverable and understandable operation of the universe
 • Linking of natural causes with natural effects
 • Consistent and predictable operation of the universe

2. Discuss science as a body of knowledge and an investigative process.
 • Unified, open-ended structure of observations set in a testable framework of ideas
 • Common purpose and philosophy among the science disciplines
 • Limited scope and certainty
 • Simple solutions, comprehensive results, clearest and reliable explanations, accurate basis for predictions

3. Conduct scientific investigations systematically.
 • Identifying and framing the question carefully
 • Forming a hypothesis
 • Identifying and managing variables effectively
 • Developing a practical and logical procedure
 • Presenting conclusions based on investigation/previous research

4. Exhibit behaviors appropriate to the scientific enterprise consistently.

Examples: curiosity, creativity, integrity, patience, skepticism, logical reasoning, attention to detail, openness to new ideas

5. Demonstrate correct care and safe use of instruments and equipment.

Example: appropriate viewing of solar eclipses

6. Demonstrate the ability to choose, construct, and/or assemble appropriate equipment for scientific investigations.

7. Apply critical and integrated science thinking skills.
 • Observing
 • Classifying
 • Measuring with appropriate units and significant figures
 • Inferring
 • Predicting
 • Solving problems
 • Interpreting data
 • Designing experiments
 • Formulating hypotheses
 • Communicating

8. Use mathematical models, simple statistical models, and graphical models to express patterns and relationships determined from sets of scientific data.

Example: calculate mean, median, and mode from sample data

9. Solve for unknown quantities by manipulating variables.

10. Use written and oral communication skills to present and explain scientific phenomena and concepts individually or in collaborative groups using technical and non-technical language.

Examples: laboratory reports, journal entries, computer-based slide show presentations, daily log reports, student project presentations

11. Choose appropriate technology to retrieve relevant information from the Internet such as electronic encyclopedias, indices, and databases.

12. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of technology in studies of near and distant space.

13. Practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software such as following copyright laws.

14. Evaluate technology-based options for lifelong learning in astronomy and space studies.

Examples: Internet usage, online/distance learning courses, databases, real-time photographs

Ordered Universe
The Solar System

20. Discuss the formation of the solar system.

21. Explain how objects in the solar system move in regular and/or predictable ways.

22. Compare the planets in terms of orbit, size, composition, rotation, atmosphere, moons, and distance.

23. Compare factors essential to life on the Earth to conditions on the other planets.
 • Temperature
 • Gravity
 • Atmosphere
 • Water

The Universe

27. Relate motion of objects within a solar system to such concepts as a "day," a "year," "phases of the moon," and "eclipses."

29. Evaluate astronomers' use of various instruments to extend the senses and monitor cosmic background radiation to increase knowledge of the universe.
 • Optical telescopes
 • Radio telescopes
 • Spectroscopes
 • Cameras
 • Spacecraft

Earth and Space Science Elective Core
Process and Application

Students will:

1. Understand fundamental assumptions about the universe upon which the scientific enterprise is based.
 • Concern with natural phenomena
 • Discoverable and understandable operation of the universe
 • Linking of natural causes with natural effects
 • Consistent and predictable operation of the universe

2. Discuss science as a body of knowledge and an investigative process.
 • Unified, open-ended structure of observations set in a testable framework of ideas
 • Common purpose and philosophy among the science disciplines
 • Limited scope and certainty
 • Simple solutions, comprehensive results, clearest and reliable explanations, accurate basis for predictions

3. Conduct scientific investigations systematically.
 • Identifying and framing the question carefully
 • Forming a hypothesis
 • Identifying and managing variables effectively
 • Developing a practical and logical procedure
 • Presenting conclusions based on investigation/previous research

4. Exhibit attitudes and habits appropriate to the scientific enterprise consistently.

Examples: curiosity, creativity, integrity, patience, skepticism, logical reasoning, attention to detail, openness to new ideas

5. Demonstrate correct care and safe use of instruments and equipment.

Example: wearing protective goggles when performing fracture tests

6. Demonstrate the ability to choose, construct, and/or assemble appropriate equipment for scientific investigations.

7. Apply critical and integrated science thinking skills.
 • Observing
 • Classifying
 • Measuring with appropriate units and significant figures
 • Inferring
 • Predicting
 • Solving problems
 • Interpreting data
 • Designing experiments
 • Formulating hypotheses
 • Communicating

8. Use mathematical models, simple statistical models, and graphical models to express patterns and relationships determined from sets of scientific data.

Example: calculate mean, median, and mode from sample data

9. Solve for unknown quantities by manipulating variables.

Example: earthquake wave amplitudes

10. Use written and oral communication skills to present and explain scientific phenomena and concepts individually or in collaborative groups using technical and non-technical language.

Examples: laboratory reports, journal entries, computer-based slide show presentations, daily log reports, student project presentations

11. Choose appropriate technology to retrieve relevant information from the Internet such as electronic encyclopedias, indices, and databases.

12. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of technology in studies of near and distant space.

13. Practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software such as following copyright laws.

14. Evaluate technology-based options for lifelong learning in earth and space studies.

Examples: Internet usage, online/distance learning courses, databases, real-time photographs

15. Interpret the effects of technology in daily applications.

Examples: weather satellites, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), radioactive dating of rock samples

Ordered Universe
Origin and Evolution of the Universe

31. Discuss the formation of the solar system.

32. Analyze planetary motion using the physical laws that explain motion.
 • Rotation
 • Revolution
 • Apparent diurnal motions of the sun and stars

33. Evaluate astronomers' use of various instruments to extend the senses and increase knowledge of the universe.
 • Optical telescopes
 • Radio telescopes
 • Spectroscopes
 • Cameras
 • Spacecraft

35. Explain the impact of "classical" scientific thought about the Earth and the universe on contemporary thought.
 • Newton