QUESTION: How do the special optics make your 6 ft. KAO telescope as powerful as a normal 50 ft. scope? ANSWER from Ben Burress on May 11: This answer is quite involved and may be difficult to follow. Perhaps drawing a picture of this will help. A simple refracting telescope consists of a large convex (converging) lens, which focuses light from celestial objects at a distance from the lens (the focal length) which depends on how curved the lens is. A simple hand-held magnifying glass will focus the light of the sun to a point--as you probably know--several inches from the lens itself. If you were to make larger and larger magnifying glasses, you would find that the point of focus of the light would grow farther and farther from the lens. If you have ever seen one of the very large refracting telescopes at many observatories (maintained today for mainly historical preservation, and not astronomical research), you know how long the tube can get: that length represents approximately the focal length of the primary lens. With a cassegrain reflecting telescope, light enters through the "aperture" (the main opening, which is usually just empty space with no glass, no lens, and no mirror). The light travels the distance to the primary mirror, the large parabolic reflector at the base of the telescope "tube". The primary mirror both focuses the light toward a point AND reflects the light in the opposite direction that it entered the telescope aperture. The light, beginning to converge, almost reaches the aperture, but is again reflected 180 degrees about, back toward the primary mirror. Now it travels the length of the telescope tube for a third time, and by the time it reaches the primary mirror again, it has traveled a distance inside the telescope three times the length of the telescope tube! All along this path--or since it left the primary mirror the first time--the light continues to converge. When the light reaches the primary mirror the second time (on its way from the secondary mirror), it would normally travel through a hole in the middle of the primary mirror and arrive at the focal plane (where images come into focus--and where you would put a sheet of photographic film or a video camera if you wanted to take a picture), behind the primary mirror. On the KAO, however, there is another option, one which is used most of the time. A flat mirror can be placed in front of the primary mirror's hole and positioned diagonally so that the light is reflected at a right angle. Instead of proceeding through the primary mirror, the light is directed aft, toward the airplane's tail, through a small tunnel, and emerges in the airplane cabin aft of the main telescope body. This light travels roughly another telescope tube length to the focal plane, for a final total of approximately four tube lengths (the actual position of the focal plane depends on which secondary mirror is used, as we have at least three of differing curvature). The astronomers' infrared detector systems and cameras are mounted at this position, where they have easy access to the often tempermental instruments (tempermental because of their complexity and sensitivity). So, in BRIEF (too late!), due to being reflected/redirected three times, the path the light has taken through the telescope is at least four times the physical length of the telescope itself. We have, in effect, "folded" our telescope in quarters. I know that 4 x 6' is not fifty feet--but there is another thing that allows us to shorten the overall length the light travels through the telescope: the secondary mirror. In some reflecting telescopes, the secondary mirror is flat. By using a slightly curved secondary mirror, we can shorten that length considerably.