QUESTION: Is the thermal energy of Jupiter increasing? If so, how long would it take to become a protostar? ANSWER from Scott Sandford on November 7, 1995: Surprising as it may sound to many people, most planets tend to give off heat. The heat that planets give off is generated by three main processes. The first one is fairly obvious and involves the Sun. The Sun shines on all the planets and the energy from the Sun's visible light heats them up. The planets then re-radiate some of this energy back into space as infrared light, i.e. heat. The farther a planet is from the Sun the less light it receives and the less heat it releases as a result of this process. The second source of heat is associated with radioactivity. This source of heating does not occur at the surface of planets but instead occurs inside them. When the planets were originally formed by the accumulation of smaller objects, they ended up incorporating all kinds of materials (ice, rocks, dust, etc.). As a result, the planets contain all of the elements in the periodic table. Among these were radioactive elements like uranium. The radioactive elements undergo fission as they age and this process produces a lot of energy. This energy is converted to heat deep inside the planets and this heat gradually works its way to the surface where it escapes into space. In the case of the Earth, we see this heat escaping in a variety of forms, the most spectacular being lava and ash from volcanoes! Finally, planets can also produce heat by gravitational collapse. This sounds a little complicated but it isn't really. All objects on a planet have energy 'stored' in them in the form of gravitational potential energy. This energy has to do with how far an object is from the center of the planet; the farther away it is the more potential energy it has. The presence of this energy is easy to demonstrate. If you drop an anvil off a table and onto a drinking glass the anvil will break the glass (and maybe the floor too!). The energy that broke the glass came from the potential energy in the anvil released as it went from being farther away from the planet to closer to it. This same kind of thing can happen on planets on a MUCH bigger scale and it is happening on Jupiter now. Jupiter is slowly getting more and more compact as its own gravity pulls material closer to its center, especially denser materials like rock and metal. This overall contraction of material is very slow but the total amount of material involved is so large that it is equivalent to somebody dropping thousands and thousands of anvils over and over again. The result is a lot of heat. At present, Jupiter is giving off heat as a result of all the processes I mentioned here. There is another important process that can generate heat efficiently, namely nuclear fusion. This is the process by which our Sun and other stars generate their heat. In order for fusion to work, however, the center of the star must have VERY high temperatures and pressures. Despite the fact that Jupiter is generating a lot of heat, its center will never get hot enough for fusion to start and so it will never become a star on its own. The only way for Jupiter to become a star would be to add more and more material to it. The added material would add mass at the surface and result in higher pressures in the center. If enough material was added the pressure and temperature could reach a point where fusion would start and Jupiter would stop being a planet and start being a star! (This would take a lot of material, however; you would have to add much more material than is already in Jupiter.) A good question! Scott Sandford, KAO Principal Investigator