Live From Mars was active July 1996-December 1997.

Name__________________________ Date__________________


Impact Cratering

Materials: (for each team of 3/4 students)

Part 1: Formation of Impact Craters

How Mass Affects Impact Craters

[Note: If a scale is not available and the mass is unknown, just use numbers to rank the masses, e.g. 1,2,3 for the light, medium, and heaviest masses.]

  1. Fill the tray with flour, about 3" deep.
  2. Smooth the flour out with the meter stick or ruler, sprinkle a thin layer of tempera paint on top, enough to cover the flour.
  3. Fill in the mass of each object in the table below, ask your teacher the mass of each object or weigh it yourself if scales are available.
  4. Drop your first ball into the box, measure the distance across the crater, which is called the diameter, and record it in the chart.
  5. Smooth the flour out with the meter stick or ruler, sprinkle a thin layer of tempera on top, enough to cover the flour.
  6. Drop the second ball into the flour, measure the diameter of the crater, and record it in the chart.
  7. Smooth the flour out with the meter stick or ruler, sprinkle a thin layer of tempera on top, enough to cover the flour.
  8. Drop the third ball into the last area, measure the diameter of the crater, and record it in the chart.
BALL #1 g cm
BALL #2 g cm
BALL #3 g cm


  1. Compare your 3 craters - which crater is the largest?________

    Which ball created it?____________

  2. What's the only difference in the way you made the craters?


  3. Finish this statement: The (bigger/smaller) the mass, the (bigger/smaller) the crater.
How Speed of Meteorites Affects Impact Craters Procedure:
  1. Take out the big marble.
  2. Smooth out the flour with the ruler, sprinkle a thin layer of tempera on top, enough to cover the flour.
  3. Drop the marble from a height of 10cm, record the crater diameter on the chart
  4. Smooth out the flour with the ruler, sprinkle a thin layer of tempera on top, enough to cover the flour.
  5. Drop the marble from a height of 1 meter, record the crater diameter on the chart
  6. Smooth out the flour with the ruler, sprinkle a thin layer of tempera on top, enough to cover the flour.
  7. Drop the marble from a height of 2 meters, record the crater diameter on the chart
  8. Smooth out the flour with the ruler, sprinkle a thin layer of tempera on top, enough to cover the flour.
  9. Ask your teacher to throw the marble into the flour, or ask you teacher for permission to throw it. Record the crater diameter.

Drop # velocity height crater diameter
1 140 cm/s 10 cm cm
2 443 cm/s 100 cm cm
3 626 cm/s 200 cm cm
4 1000 cm/s 200 cm cm


  1. Compare your craters. Which is the largest?______________

  2. What in the only difference in the way you made the craters?


  3. Finish this statement: The (bigger/smaller) the velocity, the (bigger/smaller) the crater.

How Size of Projectiles Affects Impact Craters


  1. Take out the 3 different size marbles
  2. Smooth out the flour with the ruler, sprinkle a thin layer of tempera on top, enough to cover the flour.
  3. Drop the smallest marble from a height of 2 meters
  4. Without disturbing the flour, measure the crater's diameter
  5. Record the diameter in the chart below
  6. Smooth out the flour with the ruler, sprinkle a thin layer of tempera on top, enough to cover the flour.
  7. Drop the middle size marble from a height of 2 meters.
  8. Without disturbing the flour, measure the crater's diameter.
  9. Record the diameter in the chart below.
  10. Smooth out the flour with the ruler, sprinkle a thin layer of tempera on top, enough to cover the flour.
  11. Drop the biggest marble from a height of 2 meters
  12. Without disturbing the flour, measure the crater's diameter
  13. Record the diameter in the chart below
Object marble diameter crater diameter
small marble cm cm
middle marble cm cm
big marble cm cm


  1. Compare your craters. Which is the largest?

  2. What in the only difference in the way you made the craters?

  3. Finish this statement: The (bigger/smaller) the marble, the (bigger/smaller) the crater.

Part 2: Crater Structure

Parts of an Impact Crater
[Note: it's important that layers completely cover each other]
  1. Smooth out your first layer of flour and coat it with a generous layer of tempera. It should be a little thicker than the thin layers you've used before.
  2. Sprinkle another color of tempera paint over the first tempera.
  3. Take the large marble and drop or throw it from a height of ~2m.
  4. Observe the crater: make a an overhead drawing labeling (guess) the rim, ejecta and crater floor.
  5. Measure the crater diameter. How does it compare with the diameter from the last big marble drop?


1. Where is the ejecta thickest?__________________________________

2. If the flour layers from top to bottom are youngest to oldest, where in the new crater do you find the oldest rocks (beside the floor)?



Go online and download images of craters from different planets. Be prepared to explain how these craters may have been formed, point out examples of new and older craters, and, if possible, look for signs that weathering and water may have existed at these sites.