Live From Mars was active July 1996-December 1997.

Name__________________________ Date__________________


  1. Following teacher direction, tie one end of the nylon strings to an anchored object at the front or back of the classroom at least 4 or 5 feet off the floor and then stretch the string out across the classroom being careful not to cross another team's string.
  2. Thread a plastic straw onto the nylon string.
  3. Blow up one of the balloons, filling it about one third full of air (fuel) while carefully holding the nozzle end tight (but not tying it) so that air will not escape.
  4. Carefully and securely tape the plastic straw to the top of the balloon so that the straw is parallel to the long axis of the balloon and the head of the balloon is pointed toward the anchored end of the nylon string.
  5. Have one member of your team hold the other end of the nylon string high off the floor (so both ends are at the same height) while making the string tight.
  6. Hold a countdown, let the nozzle end of the balloon go and watch the balloon rocket fly along the string across the classroom. Use stopwatch to record time. Measure the distance the balloon traveled along string.
    Repeat three times. For each trial, record distance and time. AVERAGE your team results and record on class Data Table on chalkboard.
  7. Repeat STEPS 1-6, modifying the procedure in the following ways: Fill the balloon two thirds full of air.
    Fill the balloon completely completely full of air.

Experiment 1 (balloon 1/3 inflated)
Distance (m) Time (sec.)
TRIAL 1________________________________
TRIAL 2________________________________
TRIAL 3________________________________

Experiment 2 (balloon 2/3 inflated)
Distance (m) Time (sec.)
TRIAL 1________________________________
TRIAL 2________________________________
TRIAL 3________________________________

Experiment 3 (balloon fully inflated)
Distance (m) Time (sec.)
TRIAL 1________________________________
TRIAL 2________________________________
TRIAL 3________________________________

Discuss the following questions and prepare responses which represent the consensus for your team.