Mike Reynolds

Cranbrook Kingswood M.S. 48303


2nd hour Science

1. The first instrument we have selected to use is an electronic thermometer. This type of thermometer was selected because it has the ability to store the high and low temperatures of the past 24 hour period. We selected this instrument because the temperature can be used to show what kinds of life that exist in specific temperature ranges. Since we are obtaining this thermometer we will not have to build it. We will test the accuracy by placing the thermometer in four specific rooms that are temperature controlled. We will place the thermometer in each room to see if it has the same reading as a thermometer that is in the room and properly functioning. We will record our data by taking measurements three times a day, collecting the data on a spreadsheet and showing the average tempatures along with the individual tempatures of that day.

2. The second instrument that we selected was a barometer. We selected this instrument because it measures the pressure of the atmosphere or the force withheld on everything on the earth's surface. We chose the barometer because it has the ability to help forecast the weather. We will make a barometer by mounting a ruler inside a bowl half filled with water and mount a bottle upside down that is three fourths filled with water to the ruler mounted in the tub. We will measure the accuracy of this by comparing its results to those of a mercury barometer in two different settings and mark the level of rise and fall of pressure. We will then be able to see the accuracy of our homemade instrument.

3.The third tool we chose to use was a psychrometer or hygrometer. We selected this instrument to measure the humidity of the air to let us know what the electrical resistance of the air is. We will make a psychrometer by using a wet bulb thermometer and a dry bulb thermometer and a wet muslin sack attached to the wet bulb thermometer. The humidity level can be found by finding the difference between the two thermometers and comparing them to a set chart. We will find the accuracy of this by comparing our results of our hand made instrument, making one measurement every hour, for three hours to that of the National Weather Services. We will record our data from set intervals in height, three feet, five feet and seven feet. Our final data will be collected on a spread sheet.

4. The fourth tool we will use is a precipitation glass. We will use this tool because we feel it is necessary to see how much rainfall falls per day and per week. To accomplish this we will add up the daily precipitation levels. We will use a graduated cylinder to measure the rainfall in milliliters. We will obtain this from our science teacher. If we were to create this we would measure our results to those to the National Weather Bureau for the specific period of time. Our data will be recorded three times a day and put in a bar graph form for easy viewing.

5. The fifth instrument we will use is an Anemometer. We will use an anemometer to measure the strength of the wind. We will measure the wind speed by the number of revolutions per minute. We will create this divice by making three paper cones and mounting them to three thin rods that will lead to a revolving central cork, which is fixed to the bottom of a pole. We will measure the accuracy by seeing how many revolutions per minute there are in a known wind speed. From that information we will then be able to calculate the velocity of the wind. The wind speed data will be put listed according to velocity of the wind and at the time the measurement was taken.

6. The sixth and final instrument we will use is a PH strip. We will use this to measure the amount of acid in the rain. We feel this is important because it will show us the amount of pollution in the air. We will obtain this from a student in our class. We will test the accuracy of our results by comparing the colors of the PH strip to the colors on the PH chart and seeing the range of acidity in the water. The data will be collected by submerging the PH strip in the water. Our data will be logged according to the acidity of the water.

11. How do you know that the cost of the materials to build all of your instruments will be under $100.00 (maximum words: 200)? I know that the cost of all the materials will be under 100 because all the prices of the materials were looked up in scientific catalogues and art supply stores.

1. The electronic thermometer was found in a local science store catalogue to be 15 American dollars.

2. The materials for the barometer were $1 for the bowl, $.50 for the ruler and the bottle was free from the local grocery store.

3. The materials needed to make the psychrometer were 2 $4 thermometers, $2 for a brass swivel and $2 for wooden dowels.

4. For the precipitation glass the graduated cylinder was plastic and cost $2 from a scientific store.

5. for the anemometer the wooden dowel cost $2, the paper cones cost $.50 and the cork and nail cost about $1.

The PH strip for measuring acid in the water cost $5 for a water testing kit.