1. Teacher Name: [Jodie Harnden]

2. Your E-mail address: [jodie_harnden@pendleton.k12.or.us]

3. School Name: [Sunridge Middle School]

4. City or Town: [Pendleton]

5. State: [Oregon]

6. Country: [USA]

7. Class Name (only needed if you are submitting other forms for other classes - i.e. 3rd period Science): [Period 2]

8. Grade Level

Choose one:

[ x ] b) Middle (Grades 6-8)

9. Number of students who worked on the plan: [6]

10. Your plan -

Anemometer is hand held 5 feet above the ground and 3 feet away from you . An Anemometer does the same jobs as the wind vane. Barometer is shaped like a clock it measures air preasure outside.Ccheck air preasure every day. ACheck air presure air preesure every day an hour apart with each classes helping. Therometer is used to measure teptperature and degrees fahrenheit to make sure its accurate we will call the weather station. We will take two different kinds of therometers out to read ings and to compare them. We will take rewadings every hourto measure differneces. We wil be using rain guage donated to us by the schoo.We Will secure the rain guage to the schools roof.And we will put the other on a one foot poleabove the ground in grass. We will check it ev!ery day and put our readings on our chart and we will call our weather station D to confirm and compare our readings. For cloud coverage we will take visual readingsof the clouds every hour with help. We picked a five way weather station which will measure wind direction, wind speed, and the temperature. These measurements will used to check our other readings. We will use a barometer to check the air preasure in our area and the changes in preasure around us. This is important because air preseaure is an essential indicator in determining weather patterns. Readings with the barometer will be taken on hourly basis, as with the other readings. All readings outside, at least a hundred feet from the school buildings. To measure relative humidity, we will use a sling psychrometer, which is two theremometers, one with a wet cloth and one dry, attached to a dowel by a screwC so it can spin. We wou!ld also have a disposable camera to take and record pictures of any unusuall weather that occured over our area. Also, we would use a cloud guide to determine the type of clouds that were in this area.

11. How do you know that the cost of the materials to build all of your instruments will be under $100.00?

We are using the Frey Scientific catalog to get most of our instruments. INSTRUMENT 9 PRICE sling psychrometer $5.95 barometer $45.00 weather station $6.95 anemometer $14.60 thermometer $1.99 cloud guides $5.90 shipping $10.00 D TOTAL $90.34 camera $9.49(from the store) GRAND TOTAL $99.83