Live From Mars was active July 1996-December 1997.


Our motley crew. It was the last day before spring break, so about half our class decided to take an extra day of vacation. They missed a fun time!

Nathan (the "cool" one with the shades) and Gary measuring wind speed and direction at our site across the street from the school.

The two Jennifers making drawings of plants and animals at the site. Notice how green the desert plants are this time of year--enjoy it--it doesn't last long!

Mark, Neil and Nick measuring the temperature of the soil. Note the rest of the class in the background, and the snow capped San Gabriel Mountains only seven miles away to the south.

The view to the southwest--civilization can't be too far away with the power lines on the right! Note how blue the sky is--no haze today. Phelan is a relatively unpolluted place (we are only about 50 miles from Los Angeles as the crow flies.)