Re: Let's discuss...

From: Sandy Dueck 2nd account <>
Subject: Re: Let's discuss...
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 1997 12:41:26 -0700 (PDT)

Ginny & Everyone,

If you aren't able to tape Mars Pathfinder or Mars Global Surveyor press 
conferences, there are now two places on the LFM web site where you can
go to see an archive of all the press conferences:

Global Surveyor--

Today's Pathfinder press conference should be posted by end of day


On Wed, 8 Oct 1997, Ginny Dexter wrote:

> 	Thanks to Sandy for posting the newsbrief that happened this
> morning from 10:00 to 11:00 AM PST.  It was absolutely great. I used the
> overhead to write down the main points and the science kids took notes.
> We discussed the most important discoveries: that Mars has a core, mantle
> and crust and that there is overwhelming evidence that Mars had a warmer
> and wetter past.  Finding sand grains was very exciting as sand requires
> weathering.
> 	They stated that Sojourner was a GREAT observer and field geologist
> and takes great picturer.  The photos they shared with us were absolutely
> great!  I wish I had recorded it. If anyone hears that they are reshowing
> it, I would love to know.
> 	My students had met Dr.Greg Wilson down at Ames Research Center
> last spring as he was doing experiments using wind tunnels to simulate
> conditions on Mars. They were VERY  excited to hear him talk at today's
> newsbrief.
> 	As we are beginning Weather Worlds it was great to hear and see the
> current Weather Report and I think what was most fun was to see the
> forecast for tomorrow's weather. It was a very informative and visual
> update and I am so glad that we knew about it and were able to watch it.
> 	Ginny and 6/7 grade science class at Hydesville School, Ca.