Blocked out! Left out!

From: (Marilyn Kennedy)
Subject: Blocked out! Left out!
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 19:50:41 -0400

Perhaps the collective expertise and experience of this awesome group can
solve the problem of "firewalls"......

This year, all computers in our country are linked to a proxy server in the
"central office" and the proxy server has its "cyber patrol" etc in full

As a result, links that make the Internet come alive are blocked. No longer
can we get the " realaudio" transmission of a shuttle mission, I was unable
to link up to this week's "ask a scientist" videoconference which happened
to be on Mars!

I do have people in our central office sympathetic to my pleas and they are
working on the problem and I have sent out email to CuSeeMe Help
<> and the common reply I have had is "we have the same
problem here at our school, let me know if you have found the solution.

As more schools hook up and get connected, the issues of firewalls will
become more visible. I understand the purpose they serve but what a shame
it would be if they block out  presence of "real world " connections.

Does any one have that magic wand to make those walls come tumbling down??

Marilyn Wall
John Wayland Elem
Bridgewater, VA