From: (Ginny)
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 21:44:20 -0700 (PDT)

Hi lfm friends!  I just figured out, this week, that for some reason I was
not receiving my discuss mail all during the summer here at home,  so I
have just resubscribed.  I was receiving my ptk mail and thought that
things were awfully quiet this summer. Simultaneously, my computer was down
in my classroom since May.  Well, they came to fix it yesterday, FINALLY,
and I had 400 messages, mostly from lfm-discuss!!!  Wow-what a surprise!  I
read 100 of them today and will be busy all week reading everything that
everyone had to say this summer.  Gosh, I thought everyone was on major
vacations!  SOOOO glad to hear from everyone.   The internet is such a
wonderful communication tool and I'm so glad to back on-line with all of

I am busy teaching the same group of science students that I taught last
year.  So, I am looping my 5/6 grade scientists another year of 6/7 grade
science.  We are starting the year with two projects. A local education
store has posted an essay contest:  What happened on Mars this summer?
Well, my students have dove back into research on the net and the Mars
Navigator and Viking Educational Multimedia CE-ROM.  It was a great
incentive for them to continue their research and interest. The other unit
of study we are doing is electricity and energy and we know that both of
these can be woven into our study of Pathfinder and Globel Surveyor.

I have been asked to have my students present  at the September 26 - 27
Tech Faire at the Bayshore Mall.  They are very familiar with the LFM
website and will do a good job of presenting it.

Geoff and Jan,
It would REALLY help if we had fliers of this year's on-line electronic
field-trips.  If they are even in the draft form and can be e-mailed to me,
I'd be glad to print them up.

Looking forward to working with all of you again this year!  I was sooo
proud  of our country, NASA and PTK this summer when we landed on Mars!  It
was great to be a learning teacher all last year with my students as we got
ready for JULY 4th.  Thanks to all of you, that made this such a better
experience with the background hands-on
education that better prepared us for such a spectacular event.

Ginny Dexter