*NEW* Book: *Destination Mars: In Art, Myth, and Science*

From: Jan Wee <jwee@mail.arc.nasa.gov>
Subject: *NEW* Book: *Destination Mars: In Art, Myth, and Science*
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 15:03:09 -0500

Dear discuss-lfm members,

While visiting a Barnes and Noble Bookseller store I happened
to see a brand new resource that I found attractive and readable
for ages 12 up.  The book is by Martin Caidin (author of
over 150 books, many science & sci-fi)  & Jay Barbree (former
NBC correspondent) (also with Susan Wright).  

*Destination Mars* is 228 pages and well illustrated, has
an index  and is copyrighted 1997. ISBN is 0-670-86020-4 
and has a book jacket indicated cost of $29.95.

The book jacket gives an annotation that states "examines how 
earthlings have perceived the planet through history in mythology, 
religion, astrology, folklore, early science histroy,
science fiction, and modern era of scientific discovery and 
space travel."  

It looked worthwhile and a nice addition to your home
library or classroom resources.

Jan Wee, Moderator

PS:  Don't forget your issue of Time Magazine (as Marilyn
Wall already mentioned... it's a keeper!!  Mars -- Special
Report, July 14th, 1997.