Watch Rocky 7 Rover Field Test

From: (sheri klug)
Subject: Watch Rocky 7 Rover Field Test
Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 22:05:14 -0600

Calling all interested teachers and students:

Log in this Friday to watch students drive the newest Mars rover developed
by Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  The Rocky 7 rover is being tested for the
2001 and 2003 Mars missions.  On Friday, May 30 from 10:00am - 12:00pm MDT,
six schools from around the world will be on-line, driving and performing
science tasks with the Rocky 7 in the Mojave Desert in California.  You can
log in at the following website:

This site will provide links to other information about the capabilities of the 
Rocky 7.  The participating schools are from Texas, Georgia, Finland,
California, Oregon, and Idaho.  This experiment will showcase the WITS
software (Web Interface for TeleScience).  In future missions, this software
will enable science teams from around the world to manipulate the planetary
rovers from their labs at remote locations and collaborate with other
science and engineering teams from around the world to accomplish tasks with
the rovers.  The information and procedures will also be available on the
Internet for public viewing and access.

My school district (New Plymouth, Idaho) was chosen as one of the
participants for this field test.  This is significant because we are a
small, rural school. Our district has less than 1000 students district-wide.
Our whole town has a population of around 1350. We were able to participate
in a world-class, cutting edge science experiment by using technology.  We
are not a rich district...we are a farm-based, non-industrial community with
many of our students on free and reduced lunch.  However, we dream BIG.  So
many times, those of us in the boondocks give up on the cool stuff, because
we can't compete with the bigger schools!  Take heart...try!  We did!

Join us on Friday.  Our team consists of 5th - 12th grade students.  We
would love to hear from your class!  Wish us luck!

Sheri Klug
New Plymouth Science Enrichment Coordinator and PTK advocate