volcano wkshop

From: ken.edgett@asu.edu (Ken Edgett)
Subject: volcano wkshop
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 09:03:54 -0700 (MST)

Hello Mars Educators,

I got this via e-mail from the volcanology community.

It's about a great K-12 teacher workshop on the volcanoes in

The only real catch is that the dates conflict with the
Pathfinder landing in July.  However, if you want to spend
the day of the landing in a Mars-like terrain, this may be for

Ken Edgett
Arizona Mars K-12
Education Program


Below is the text of a home page, the real version of which can be found at:



Scott Rowland


As any Earth science teacher already knows, volcanoes are the second-most
popular Earth Science subject (after dinosaurs) for all ages of students.
VEST II (Volcanology for Earth Science Teachers II) is a field-, class-,
demonstration-, and experiment-based course for Earth science teachers.
The goal of VEST II is to present modern volcanological information for
teachers to use in their own classrooms. We will cover a wide range of
volcanological topics to help you understand a number of questions,
including: Why are there are different types of volcanoes? Why are
volcanoes where they are? What are the different products of volcanoes are
and how do they form? How do earthquakes relate to volcanism? How do
volcanologists monitor and study volcanoes?

The organizers of VEST II recognize that Earth science teachers are the
people best qualified to convert this knowledge into classroom materials
and lessons, so we see our task mainly as providing content. However, we
will also present a number of experiments and demonstrations that can be
used directly in the classroom. Highlights will include: field trips to
all parts of the Island of Hawai'i, hands-on experience with modern
volcano-monitoring equipment, a tour of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory,
many scenic and informative hikes, and the opportunity to see, discuss,
and learn about volcanological features in person. And if we're lucky,
Pele might even provide us with live lava flows to visit!

VEST II is offered by the Center for the Study of Active Volcanism (CSAV)
and the University of Hawai'i at Hilo (UHH). It will run from June 25 to
July 10, 1997, and 3 credits of upper division science from the University
of Hawai'i at Hilo will be awarded to those participants who successfully
complete the course.

VEST II is patterned after the highly acclaimed VEST course, which was
initiated by Ms. Janet Babb and funded by the National Science Foundation.
The NSF funding has expired so VEST II will have to recover from the
participants the costs of housing, tuition, ground transportation, and
fees. We have done everything possible to keep costs to a minimum. Housing
will be at the Kilauea Military Camp (KMC), a military recreational
facility within Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park, as well as in dormitories
on the UHH campus.

The cost per participating teacher will be $750.00 for Hawai'i residents
and $850.00 for non-Hawai'i residents. This includes all housing and
ground transportation, but does not include meals. Meals may be purchased
at the KMC and UHH cafeterias, or at other dining establishments or stores
at Kilauea and in Hilo. We estimate that $20-$30 per day would be a
reasonable budget for meals. The above amount also does not include the
cost of getting yourself to Hilo (on the big island of Hawai'i). Teachers
are encouraged to seek grant funds to cover their costs.

Participation in VEST II is open to any K-12 Earth science teacher, is
limited to 20 participants, and will be highly competitive. To request an
application form, please provide the following information to: Scott
Rowland, HIGP/SOEST, University of Hawai'i, 2525 Correa Rd., Honolulu,
Hawai'i, 96822.
E-mail: scott@kahana.pgd.hawaii.edu

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