Red Planet @NSTA

From: (Ken Edgett)
Subject: Red Planet @NSTA
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 08:05:32 -0700 (MST)

Dear Mars Educators--

If you are planning to attend the NSTA meeting in New Orleans
next week, I'd like to extend an invitation for you to attend
the Space Science session, "RED PLANET CONNECTION". It takes
place Friday, April 4, 11 a.m. - 12 noon, and is being run by
my education assistants, Tricia Dieck and Jennifer Roberts.  

RED PLANET CONNECTION is a kid's newsletter that comes out 
4 times during the school year.  In 1996-97, we have just completed
our first year--- and are gearing up for 97-98.  RED PLANET
CONNECTION is a low-tech way to put the Mars missions and science
concepts directly into the hands of K-8 students and their families.
There are three editions at different grade levels (K-2, 3-5, and
6-8), and for 97-98, we are introducing a Spanish language edition.

For more information about RED PLANET CONNECTION, see NSTA REPORTS!,
February/March 1997, page 39, or email Jennifer Roberts:

I hope you can attend the RED PLANET CONNECTION session at NSTA 
next week.  Be aware that the timing of this session overlaps with
the start of the Middle-level luncheon (starts at noon), in which I am
giving a presentation, "Joe the Martian's Guide to the Red Planet".

At the RED PLANET CONNECTION session, they will be giving away a 1-year
subscription as a door prize. 

By the way, if there are other LFM-ers giving presentations at NSTA, I'd 
love to see them posted to this listserv, so that maybe *I* can consider
attending (I am only in town about 48 hours, though).

Ken Edgett
Arizona Mars K-12 Education Program