From: pgebhart@iquest.net (Peggy Gebhart) (by way of Jan Wee <jwee@mail.arc.nasa.gov>)
Subject: POEM
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 1996 13:22:55 -0600

Dear discuss-lfm members,

Fran O'Rourke-Hartman's kids may have started the *GREAT MARS
POEM CHALLENGE*!  Let's see how many more clever renditions
of T'was the Night Before.... will find their way to our
forum!  Please do post directly.  I think everyone enjoys
these creations, especially after two successful Mars launches
and one successful LFM broadcast! :-)

Nice job to the Fran's students and to the 
Muncie Community School students -- these poems are...


>From Peggy Gehart, PTK Advocate and Planetarium Director
Muncie, Indiana ---


                I shared the poem wtih a group of students at the Muncie
Community Schools Planetarium this  morning.  The students asked if they
could make some changes and end up with a poem also.  This is their

                T'was The Night Before Independance Day

        T'was was the Night before Independance Day
        when all through the stars, not a creature was stirring,
        not even on Mars.

        When all of a sudden, like a great blinking light,
        I looked up and saw Pathfinder in sight!

        I whistled and yelled with all of my might.
        Even woke up my Mom in the middle of the night.

        And then with a twinkle, I learned with joy,
        the parachute on Pathfinder began to deploy.

        All of a sudden the airbags expanded.
        I waited to learn when Pathfinder landed.

        Sojourner was nestled in Pathfinder with care,
        in hopes that daylight soon would be there.

        The solar panels opened.  And to my praise,
        there I saw Sojourner waiting for rays.

        The Sun rose quietly in the peaceful Martian air.
        As Sojourner examined each rock with care.

        We all thank Sojourner for sending back facts,
        while moving across Mars, leaving Earthly tracks.