What was on NASA TV today?

From: Chris Rowan <crowan@ies.net>
Subject: What was on NASA TV today?
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 1996 20:27:25 -0600

Hi everyone,

I connected to one of the reflectors that rebroadcasts NASA TV today and
watched earthviews from what I _thought_ was STS-80, but then I did a
little digging and found out that STS-80 won't launch until at least
November 15.

If it wasn't the Columbia, then what was I watching?  A re-run?  Or
could it have been live video from the Global Surveyor?  Has the
Surveyor left Earth orbit yet?

I should just check the web page, right?

And, no, the simulator still isn't finished.  <sigh>


| Chris Rowan            |       "I'm not much for sports.  I get a
| Email: chris@tenet.edu |        putting my socks on."        Michael
|        crowan@ies.net  |