"The Kit is MARvelous"

From: savaiano@informns.k12.mn.us (Maria (M. J.) Savaiano)
Subject: "The Kit is MARvelous"
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 19:41:24 -0500 (CDT)

        The LFM teacher kit will be a fabulous resource for all of us
educators as we embark on the upcoming Mars missions.  It is truly worth
the money and I look forward to using it as well as sharing it with others
in the education community.
        Lois and I presented at our state science conference last week. 
Our session was after lunch so we didn't exactly have a crowd, but the
people who came were truly interested.  I invited our space grant
consortium college coordinator to join us and persuaded her to pay for $200
worth of teacher guides.  Staff development materials is a high priority
for that organization.  
        I am in the process of refining a grant proposal this weekend. 
Thanks Lucy for putting your proposal on line.  I have added to it, and
will share with the other PTK advocates in the near future.  I am writing
other groups into the rover grant.  
        Another piece of information I just received is that the Planetary
Society is currently getting the Rover project ready for MacIntosh
computers.  The software should be ready--just in time for the positive
news on our grants, right!                                                 
       M. J.