Screaming 5th graders talk about "The Eclipse"

From: (Rowan, Chris)
Subject: Screaming 5th graders talk about "The Eclipse"
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 11:57:31 -0800


My name is Nancy.  I saw the eclipse through my binoculars and through a
telescope. The whole class was there and we all did a star count together.
Saturn was a circle with a line through it. The line is the ring of Saturn.
It was cool!  We only saw a few stars in the sky. When I left they toled me
that they saw Jupiter.  I felt like if I was in space.  The moon was
beautiful and the stars were, too.




My name is Brisa.  I saw the eclipse though some binocolors and saw two
planets through a teloscope.  The two planets I saw were Saturn and Jupiter.
When I saw Saturn I was amazed I could not belive it I have never seen any
planets before.  Saturn was beutiful I could see its rings.  It looked like
a picture.  Before my teacher told me that the thing I thought was a star
was jupitar I was telling my friends I think that is the north star,but
jupitar did not look like a picture it looked real of course it should look
real becouse it was.  I will never forget this night becouse it was the
night I saw saturn and jupitar.    


        My name is Roxanna Muniz!  My teacher Chris Rowan gave our class a
chance to look at Saturn and Jupiter.  When I walked up to the teloscope I
expcted for  Saturn to look red.  When I saw Saturn I was suprised.  It was
tiny and white .  To me it looked like if someone put a toy ball in front of
the teloscope with rings around it.  Saturn was amazeing with Mr. Rowan's
teloscope it looked like if the Saturn's rings were right in front of you.
In Jupiter you could see three moons I was amazed when I saw them.  It felt
like  you were a scientest studing the moon and other planets.  I thought
this was a once in a life time chance to see the moon , Saturn , and Jupiter.
