QUESTION: Are there any obvious holes in my theory of Mars evolution? At one time Mars was covered with water ice and had a denser atmosphere, but intense volcanic eruptions from Mt. Olympus or in combination with other volcanos covered the planet with soot and ash. Barnacle Bill is volcanic andesite feldspar and quartz and Yogi is basically basalt, therefore probably volcanic ejecta. These catacysmic events created a green house effect and melted the ice causing floods and eventually after the dust settled destroyed most of the protective atmosphere. The water evaporated into space over time and left the rusty, dusty planes of today. Rust which you know is the result of iron oxidation, changing an Oygen rich envornment into predominantely carbon dioxide. With polar ice the only remaining along with vast underground water sheds. Amino acid or algea were able to reproduce, possibly plants and microbes. but the hostile environment from massive eruptions interrupted the lifeycle. ANSWER from Peter Thomas on August 1, 1997: Concerning Mars history, especially volcanoes, floods, and such: Olympus Mons, and some other volcanoes, probably post date flood channels of the main outflows. The outflow channels also, seem to orginate from ground water/ice storage, not from surface ice coverings. Volcanic eruptions, increased heat flow, etc, might have had something to to with melting ground ice and causing the large outflow channles. The volume of the outflow events, although obviously great from the areas affected, probably did not involve much more than the equivalent of a few meters or tens of meters water spread over the planet...more like big lakes than oceans worth.