QUESTION: Where is Pathfinder going to land? ANSWER from Marc Siegel on November 20, 1996: Pathfinder will land in Ares Valles, at the mouth of an ancient flood channel. The precise coordinate of the landing site are 19.5 degree North, 36 degrees west. ANSWER from Robert Manning on July 14, 1997: Mars Pathinder landed in near the middle of the mouth of a giant outflow channel carved into the Martian landscape some 3.5 billion years ago by giant water floods (that is 3500 MILLION years ago!). We don't know where the water is today. This place is called Ares Vallis (Mars Valley). Within a day of landing, one of our geologists, Dr. Tim Parker located the exact spot that Pathfinder landed. He used geological features (hills and peaks) he could see on the horizon in the images sent back to Earth by Mars Pathfinder and compared them with overhead photos of this area taken 21 years ago by the Viking orbiters. This will help a lot after Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) arrives in September when it goes into orbit around Mars. We hope that MGS will be able to spot Pathfinder in the images taken from space.