QUESTION: What is an "SEU"? ANSWER from David Dubov: SEU = Single Event Upset (also called SEE or Single Event Effect). An SEU occurs when a high energy ionized particle (say an ionized oxygen atom traveling at 50% the speed of light) which is generated by either a magnetic storm on the Sun or a galactic cosmic ray (the source of these particles is still somewhat unknown), hits the spacecraft, goes right through the structure and happens to hit an electronic memory cell (a "bit"). It usually doesn't do much permanent damage to the cell, but the event could easily flip the bit from a binary "1" to a "0" (or vice versa) thereby confusing the on-board software. Electronics used on spacecraft are usually as expensive as they are due to the fact they often must be specially designed and manufactured to be "hardened" to SEUs and other types of non-ionizing radiation effects.