QUESTION: Is there any proof of life on Mars other than the asteroid? How do these life forms live? What are their ways of life? How come no other living creatures are on Mars? What's so special about them? ANSWER from Cathy Davis on December 12, 1996: No, there is no absolute proof of life on Mars. However, Mars exhibits many similarities to Earth. At one time it is believed that Mars and the Earth were very similar. We know that life developed on Earth. So then we think, "Why not Mars?" ANSWER from Jack Farmer on May 27, 1997: We have yet to discover definitive signs of life on Mars, and so it is not yet possible to respond to your questions. The next decade of Mars exploration will focus on the search for evidence of past (fossil) life on Mars and will lead to a sample return in 2005. Hopefully by the end of this program we will have answers to your questions.