QUESTION: Are there any materials on Mars that could be used to build a vehicle or use for fuel? ANSWER from Cathy Davis on December 27, 1996: Most scientists and engineers consider using the carbon dioxide (C02) of the atmosphere as a source for rocket fuel. Using an energy source such as a solar cell array, CO2 can be broken down into carbon monoxide (CO) and oxygen (O2). The CO can be burned with O2 as rocket fuel. ANSWER from Phil Christenson on March 24, 1997: Yes, there are lots of materials on Mars that would be useful. Mars very likely has the same types of minerals we have on Earth, which could be used for building materials such as concrete. It also has rocks and minerals with iron and aluminum in them which could be used to build buildings, vehicles, and other things. Most importantly, Mars has ice made of water which could be used for drinking water and for growing food.