QUESTION: Why are you people so interested in Mars? ANSWER from Marc Siegel on January 11, 1997: I am interested in Mars for a number of reasons. First, it is a pretty site in the sky. While most stars seem to be pure white, when you look in the sky at Mars, it is reddish. That makes it special. I am fascinated by the idea that Mars was once like the Earth. Mars was warmer and wetter and had liquid water. All of those things meant it may have supported life. And thinking about life on another planet is way cool! Finally, I think it is neat to be able to build spacecraft and land them on another planet. I can't wait for this July 4th when Mars Pathfinder lands on Mars. Once there, it will send out a little car named Sojourner that will begin beaming back photos from the surface of Mars. That day will be very exciting.