QUESTION: You are already considering and designing the next mission to Mars. I would like to make a suggestion and receve your input. Would it be possible to send a flying machine like a helichopter or a glider that can scan the surface of mars. Rockets could carry the glider to a height so it could glise slowly to the ground collecting weather, surface-aerial still and motion pictures and sending them to the lander. It might also drop a small payload miles from the lander. ANSWER from Donna Shirley on August 3, 1997: Mars balloons and airplanes are indeed being studied for future missions, although a specific mission using them is not yet planned. Helicopters are a problem because the rotor tips must be very supersonic in the thin atmosphere, and that quickly leads to destruction of the rotors through cavitation. ANSWER from Bruce Jakosky on July 7, 1997: Even though the Martian atmosphere is so much thinner than the Earth's atmosphere, an unmanned airplane still could fly through it. It would have to be a small, lightweight plane, but it is possible. Some scientists are planning future missions to Mars that would use scientific instruments mounted on board an airplane; this would allow them to visit a wide variety of places on the surface.