Greetings from Gillette, Wyoming students

From: "Beau" 

Dear Clyde Tombaugh,
Happy Belated Birthday!  How does it feel to be 90?  How did it feel to
discover a planet?  Did you make up the name Pluto?  How does it feel to 
be famous and work at NASA?



From: "Mike"  

Subject: Happy belated birthday
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996

I made an acrostic poem for you:

Until you found it
The planet farthest from the sun
Oh it's probably cold

                         Happy birthday,



From: "Ashlie"  

Subject: happy belated birthday letter
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 14:44:47

Dear Mr.Tombaugh,

Happy belated birthday!
All I know is that Pluto is the planet
farthest from the sun.

Once again happy belated birthday!
    from Ashlie  :>  smile

From: "Alex"  

Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 14:45:38


How are you?  My name is Alex.  I guess you feel pretty lucky.   I wish I 
find a planet.  Happy belated birthday.  We were suppose to do this last 
but it was so cold we didn't even go to school.

            Your Wyoming Friend,
                Alex :>


From: "Tawnya"  

Subject: Happy belated birthday
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 14:46:50 +0000

Dear Mr. Tombaugh,
 Happy Belated Birthday!  It is very cold out here,in fact on Friday Febuary
school got cancelled because of the bad weather.  I can't beleive that you
discovered Pluto.  My birthday is 4 days before yours.  Can you guess 
when it
is?  Well, if you can't it is on January 31st which is on a Wednesday.  I am
turning 11.  Here are some facts about Pluto.  The distance from the sun is
4,458,000,000-7,371,000,000 km. :>

                                            Your Wyoming friend,


From: "Justin"  

Subject: happy belated birthday
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 14:46:55

Dear Mr. Tombaugh,
Happy (Belated) 90th birthday! It is cold here in Gillette, WY.  How is the
weather where you are?  I would have written to you last Friday, but 
school was

              Your friend,

From: "Ryan"  

Subject: Happy Belated Birthday
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 14:47:01

Dear Clyde,
Thank you for inventing Pluto. You are probably a cool person even though I
never met you.   Last week we were goingto e-mail you but it was to cold.

                      Your friend,


From: "TYSON"  

Subject: Happy belated birthday
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 14:47:37 +0000

Dear Clyde,
Happy belated birthday.It's really cool that you discovered Pluto.
We are sorry that we couldn't send these sooner because it snowed here in
Gillette Wyoming.
You are my favorite astronomer.



From: "Murphy"  

Subject: happy belated birthday
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 14:47:41 +0000

Happy Birthday Clyde,
     I'm telling you happy belated birthday.You are going to be 
officially 90
years old.  What are you going to be doing on your birthday? Well, happy

                                                Your friend,

From: "Heidi "  

Subject: Happy Belated birthday
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 14:48:21

Dear Clyde Tombaugh,

I heard it's your birthday.  I also heard you discovered Pluto. And to 
wish you
a Happy Belated Birthday I wrote you a poem:

Planet in space
Lives in different spots
Today it is there
Oh!  Just spinning around!

          You New Friend,
            P.S. Please write back.  :> SMILE


From: "Dustin"  

Subject: Happy belated birthday
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 14:47:42 +0000

Dear Clyde Tombaugh,
Happy belated birthday.  Last week I was going to e-mail you,
but because of the weather we did not e-mail you.



From: "Amanda"  

Subject: Happy Belated birthday
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 14:49:14 +0000

Place far far away
Land of a place, I can't say
U know it's the farthest one away,
The planet Neptune and Pluto
Often trade orbits

    Happy Belated Birthday!!!  What does it feel like to be famous or 
even say
you discovered a planet? Did you like the poem? The begining letters spell
    Well, I have to go!  Please write back.


From: "Phillip"  

Subject: Happy belated birthday
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 14:52:41

Dear Clyde Tombaugh,
Happy belated birthday Clyde.
Here in Gillette it is freezing. I bet you are glad you aren't here.
It is below zero. I bet it is alot warmer where you are.  Well I just
wanted to say happy belated birthday.

                                                      Your friend,