QUESTION: How do penguins know when to migrate? Third Graders at Burch Elementary School Tyrone, Georgia ANSWER from Bill Fraser, Ecologist, Palmer Station, Antarctica Wed, 5 Feb 1997 12:27:03 -0500 Migration time is moving right up on the penguins in the area and more than likely it is stimulated by a couple of things. One is the amount of light available, which is decreasing each day, and which may trigger hormonal responses telling the penguins to start "thinking" about moving on. The other factor probably has to do with depleted energy stores. The breeding penguins have been feeding 1 or 2 voracious chicks a krill meal every day, and have as a result lost some of their own body mass. This can be dangerous to a penguin facing winter, so they likely use a certain minimum body weight as a cue to leave the colonies and go to sea and stock up for the winter. Bill