QUESTION: Could Carol Vleck's research results on penguin hormonal levels (testosterone levels affecting territorial aggression / nurturing in males) be applied to human males, through hormonal therapy, to help disfunctional fathers become better parents? Mrs. Peterson's class, 5th-grade, Mead Valley Elem., Perris, CA ANSWER from Carol Vleck, Researcher, Palmer Station, Antarctica Fri, 7 Feb 1997 08:47:08 -0600 Dear Mrs. Peterson's 5th Graders,, Wow, you've asked a tough question and I wish I knew the answer. In some birds you can affect whether a male bird is a "good, nurturing father" by manipulating the level of testosterone (more testosterone means less parenting skills). The situation is humans, though, is so much more complex that it is impossible to say that something as simple as hormone therapy would help dysfunctional fathers. There are just far too many other things affecting human behavior like experience and knowledge. In general I would have to predict that human behavior is less influenced by hormones than it is in other animals, but it is nearly impossible to design a good experiment that one could actually do to prove this. Thanks for your question! Carol