C r a i g  M u n d e l l
Passenger Coordinator

I am the Personnel Passenger Coordinator for Antarctic Support Associates. As the Passenger Coordinator, I am responsible for "manifesting" ASA employees to ride on the fixed wing aircraft (C-130, LC-130, C-141, and C-5) from McMurdo Station to Christchurch, New Zealand or from McMurdo Station to one of the field camps, such as South Pole Station, or Central West Antarctica camp. I also have to make sure that the employees scheduled to fly make it to the bag drag (where people weigh in with their baggage) and to transportation to the aircraft.

For the most part, this position doesn't really follow my education or career path. I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Kansas and a Master of International Management from Thunderbird (The American Graduate School of International Management). I was doing temporary work for the Human Resources Department of Antarctic Support Associates in Denver, CO, while looking for a full time position in my area of study when this position became available.

When I was temping for ASA in Denver, I thought that it would be a great experience to be able to work in Antarctica. When my current position became available, I thought that it would be the perfect opportunity to experience Antarctica. I figured it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity to work in such incredible surroundings and in such an "exotic" location. It was an opportunity that I couldn't pass up.

My first goal is to finish out the season down here. While I am here, I am planning to experience as much as I possibly can. I am not exactly sure what I am going to do when I get back to the States in March or April, but I am seriously considering coming back down here next year.

I would like to add that my mother is a teacher in Denver and I have been doing this type of correspondence with her classes throughout the season. I have really enjoyed answering the questions and I am looking forward to more student questions.
Craig Mundell

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