QUESTION: Are the Emperor penquin's the only animals to spend the entire year on Antarctica? And if so, why are they able to stay all year? From Craig A., Seventh grader Dolan Middle School Stamford Ct. ANSWER from Steve Downey, Antarctic Expert Emperors aren't the only animals living in Antarctica all year. There are six different types of penguins (Adelies, Chinstraps, Gentoos, Emperors, Macaronis, and Rockhoppers) that live in the Antarctic region all year. There also are several types of seals that spend their lives around Antarctica (Crabeater, Elephant, Fur, Leopard, Ross, and Weddell). The reason why all of these animals can live in the harsh climate of Antarctica is because of their resistance to cold. Both seals and penguins have fat layers under their skin which insulate them from the cold. Penguins also have layers of waterproof feathers which protect them from the cold sea waters (and gives them that well-dressed look they're famous for). Their insulation works so well that penguins occasionally have to fluff their feathers in order to release some of the heat trapped beneath them. If they don't they'll overheat. Thanks for your question! Steve