QUESTION: Hi! We are two fifth grade students doing a project on the Polar Duke.We were wondering if you could send us the several risks aboard the Polar Duke because we could only find three. From Drew W. & Matthew V. ANSWER from Mary Lenox, ASA, Administrative Coordinator Palmer Station, Antarctica Fri, 21 Mar 1997 14:01:12 -0500 Hi, Drew and Matthew. Here are a few of the hazards on the Polar Duke that I can think of... **any sort of mechanical failure **running into a hazard (rocks, iceberg, a pier) **getting into extremely nasty weather **lines snapping (a line snapped and knocked someone off the deck of a ship into the water at McMurdo this year) **deck accident **person overboard **picking up or releasing the pilot (the pilot is either picked up or dropped off in the Straits of Megellan and has to jump form ship to ship) **I know of three people who have injured their knees while moving about the ship in the last year. (Likely there ahve been more.) **seasickness and dehydration this can get severe if a person isn't careful Thanks for you question. Cheers, Mary Lenox