QUESTION: What inspired you to go to Antarctica and do your studies? Alisha B., 14 Lewiston Alternative Middle School Lewiston Idaho ANSWER from Donna Patterson, Research Assistant, Dr. Fraser's Team Palmer Station, Antarctica Thu, 20 Mar 1997 14:14:18 -0500 Dear Alisha, I first came to Antarctica as an employee of the support company and became intrigued with the breeding birds here. I was able to return the following season with a science group and use some of my school background in Zoology/Wildlife Management to study the ecology of the penguins, petrels and skuas. I have been inspired to return every season since there is still so much to learn about the birds that breed here, what affects them during the winter, where they go, when the juveniles return to breed, etc! The bird that I hope to continue working with the most is the Giant Petrel whose young leave the Antarctic Peninsula and are often seen only a few months later in Australia! The petrels will probably keep me inspired with my studies for years to come. Thanks for you questions! Donna Patterson