National Standards Program 8

Selected "NSES/2061 Benchmarks" met by the video, hands-on and online resources:
Program 8

1.3.4 Knows ways in which clouds affect weather and climate (e.g., precipitation, reflection of light from the Sun, retention of heat energy emitted from the Earth's surface)
1.3.6 Knows factors that can impact the Earth's climate (e.g., changes in the composition of the atmosphere; changes in ocean temperature; geological shifts such as meteor impacts, the advance or retreat of glaciers, or a series of volcanic eruptions)
7.2.4 Knows that all organisms (including humans) cause changes in their environments, and these changes can be beneficial or detrimental
9.1.2 Knows that fossils of past life can be compared to one another and to living organisms to observe their similarities and differences
10.3.1 Knows that matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms, and different arrangements of atoms into groups compose all substances
10.3.2 Knows that atoms often combine to form a molecule (or crystal), the smallest particle of a substance that retains its properties
10.3.6 Knows that substances react chemically in characteristic ways with other substances to form ...compounds with different characteristic properties
14.3.1 Knows that an experiment must be repeated many times and yield consistent results before the results are accepted as correct
15.2.2 Knows that scientists use different kinds of investigations (e.g., naturalistic observation of things or events, data collection, controlled experiments), depending on the questions they are trying to answer
16.2.2 Knows that although people using scientific inquiry have learned much about the objects, events, and phenomena in nature, science is an ongoing process and will never be finished
16.3.1 Knows that people of all backgrounds and with diverse interests, talents, qualities, and motivations engage in fields of science and engineering; some of these people work in teams and others work alone, but all communicate extensively...
16.3.2 Knows that the work of science requires a variety of human abilities, qualities, and habits of mind (e.g., reasoning, insight, energy, skill, creativity, intellectual honesty, tolerance of ambiguity, skepticism, openness to new ideas)
16.3.3 Knows various settings in which scientists and engineers may work (e.g., colleges and universities, businesses and industries, research institutes, government agencies)
16.3.6 Knows ways in which science and society influence one another (e.g., scientific knowledge and the procedures used by scientists influence the way many individuals in society think about themselves, others, and the environment; societal challenges often inspire questions for scientific research; social priorities often influence research priorities through the availability of funding for research)