National Standards Program 3

Selected "NSES/2061 Benchmarks" met by the video, hands-on and online resources:
Program 3

4.3.1 Knows ways in which living things can be classified (e.g., ...groups based on functions served within an ecosystem such as producers, consumers, and decomposers)
6.3.1 Knows that all organisms are composed of cells, which are the fundamental units of life; most organisms are single cells, but other organisms ...are multi-cellular
7.2.3 Knows that changes in the environment can have different effects on different organisms (e.g., some organisms move in, others move out; some organisms survive and reproduce, others die)
7.3.2 Knows that organisms can react to internal and environmental stimuli through behavioral response (e.g., plants have tissues and organs that react to light, water, and other stimuli...)
7.3.3 Knows ways in which species interact and depend on one another in an ecosystem (e.g., producer/consumer, predator/prey, parasite/host, relationships that are mutually beneficial or competitive)
7.3.5 Knows factors that affect the number and types of organisms an ecosystem can support (e.g., available resources; abiotic factors such as quantity of light and water, range of temperatures ...competition ...predation)
7.3.6 Knows relationships that exist among organisms in food chains and food webs
8.3.1 Knows how energy is transferred through food webs in an ecosystem (e.g., energy enters sunlight, and green plants transfer this energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis; this chemical energy is passed from organism to organism...
8.3.2 Knows how matter is recycled within ecosystems (e.g., matter is transferred from one organism to another repeatedly, and between organisms and their physical environment...)
15.3.2 Designs and conducts a scientific investigation (e.g., formulates questions, designs and executes investigations, interprets data, synthesizes evidence into explanations, proposes alternative explanations for observations, critiques explanations and procedures)